Chapter 8- Coming Home

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The afternoon already came, and it was 4pm. Since the morning, the only thing they ate was snacks that were in the car for emergency cases like this. They lucky jimin was smart enough to think about situations like this and prepared himself.

In the morning they were bored so they talked about themselves and learned new things about each other.

At noon they discussed about ways to get out of there as soon as possible but didn't come up with something smart. At first taehyung wanted to walk until they will see a sight of the town or have any idea about where they are, but they all disagreed, claiming they are tired and want to sleep, and when I say 'all of them' I mean yoongi, of course.

They agreed with him because they knew how yoongi acts when he's mad, and believe them, he's scary.

It's been already two hours since that conversation, and they still didn't come up with something until suddenly jimin remembered,

"Guys I just remembered something! Listen up! I just remembered that when I prepared the stuff for situations like this, I also put toolbox in case something will happen to the car"

he said, excited they will finally be out of there, but the respond they gave him really surprised him,

"What?!" said namjoon surprised and angry at the same time.

"Are you kidding me you fucking idiot?!" shouted yoongi angrily.

"Why did you remembered only now?" said jin and hoseok together, both of them frustrated.

Only jungkook's and taehyung's reaction was positive,

"Yayyyy we are finally going to get out of here!"

They both shouted excitedly and got out of the car so they could jump up and down, happy they will come back to a comfortable place, not like the jail. They even did their special victory dance.

"Well... Who's going to fix the car?" asked Jin when they came back to the car.

"I can try" said jimin and jungkook together.

"Well, jimin and jungkook will fix the car, yoongi, you will help them too, and the rest of us will try to get a sight of the town"

said namjoon and started to walk away with jin, jhope, taehyung and tae-oh.

An hour and a half passed and the three of them finished with the car, but the rest still didn't come back. They started to worry about them and think if something happened, when they heard shouts

"Guys! We found the town and it's only half an hour from here! Let's go!"

Taehyung said and ran to hug jungkook.

"Why are you late then? it's only an hour to go there and back to us but you are late in half an hour! Hyung you worried me!"

Jungkook pouted and hit slightly taehyung's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I worried you kookie, it's just that we rested a bit before we came back. Our legs started to ache"

he apologized with his puppy eyes, begging for forgiveness.

"It's okay hyung, I'm happy you didn't get hurt. How can I resist your puppy eyes anyways?"
Jungkook giggled and kissed him.

yoongi shouted annoyed.

"Well, we will get a room when we will be at jimin's house, so can we please go now? The car is ready" Jungkook said and made jimin angry,

"It's Jimin HYUNG for you, you little impolite piece of shit!" he shouted, and got an angry jin,

"Language you little jamless creature!"

"Hey! Hyung why are you only mad at me? Yoongi hyung cursed too! this is so unfair!" jimin said angrily.

"Yoongi is special. I don't want to die by him because he said some ugly words and I preached him about it" he said and laughed nervously.

"Hyung can we please go now? I'm hungry" taehyung pleased with his begging face, and with that they finally drove home.

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