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Rogue ✔

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Paige Carter has been hunted, captured, and thrown in jail more times than she could remember.

After being sentenced to death for being a Rouge, quick witted Paige finds a way to escape from prison and join the world yet again. Until she finds out she is being hunted.

Damian Eros is the Werewolf Prince, able to take the throne after finding a mate. He is the one hunting Paige in order to prove himself to his people. All goes smoothly until he finds himself face to face with his mate. The Rouge.

A fast paced action tale, with a touch of forbidden love and witty humor.

What will become of Damian and his Rouge mate, Paige?


"I slowly entered the room, my leather boots making a light tap on the tile floors. A sharp intake of breath told me she knew I was here.

I rounded the corner, gun drawn. Ready to kill.

Only to come face to face with my mate.

My mate the Rogue."

-Rouge, Chapter Eight.

Warning: There are a ton of grammar mistakes in this book, if you don't like that, plz continue scrolling.

Rouge is my second attempt at a serious novel. Check out my other book Omega.
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