REIGNING VIXEN | Edmund Pevensie

7,817 likes / 202,243 reads
COMPLETED | ❝ Some journeys take us far from home. Some adventures lead us to our destiny. ❞

━ in which a peculiar girl with gifted abilities and natural wit named ophelia wellington finds herself burning the entire world with a single spiteful matchstick.

( edmund pevensie ).
━ the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.
05 / 01 / 21 - 05 / 31 / 21.
━ prince caspian.
06 / 10 / 21 - 08 / 03 / 21
━ the voyage of the dawn treader.
08 / 29 / 21 - 05 / 09 / 22
( © project_deceiver 2021 ).
List of Chapter
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