ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ: ᴛɪᴛᴛʟᴇ-ᴛᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ

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HOW DOES ONE RID themselves of a highly persistent individual who finds pestering someone as an act of entertainment? For starters, I do have a simple solution but I believe it is one of which that may result in being placed behind iron bars. But it could also save me from having to ever hear this annoying prat who's been going at it since forever. Yet it can mark my clean records of something scandalous and may result in me to being disowned by my own family. That could also have me be thrown insults from the opinionated crowd who think they're so innocent with all their actions. However, if I come to think of it, it still won't matter as it would surely save me from this purely idiotic, ear–murdering, irritatingly overbearing, empty–headed imbecile of a nincompoop—

“I hope you're thinking of me as much as I do of you.” Not even sparing him a glance, I just huffed out an exasperated breath of vexation.

“How did you know?” I made my way to the direction of the changing rooms, slowly removing my headdress.

He hummed slightly from right behind me, sounds of something being crumpled reaching my ears. “I can tell.”

“Did my lovesick expression give it away?” The boy's footfalls rushed to catch up to my swift strides, matching his steps beside me with a chuckle.

“Yeah . . . would you like some?” A balled–up wrapper flew right in front of me, my eyes finally gazing to what he was doing. His mouth was happily munching on the contents of his food, raising the bitten side to my face.

“Aren't you supposed to be on a strict diet?” I raised one of my brows, scrunching my nose once he inched the burger closer to my mouth.

“I am very glad you're worried about my well-being.” Pushing his hand away, I rolled my eyes at him.

“You could pass out right at this moment and I won't even care.” At that, the sounds of choking suddenly reached my ears, making me turn to face him once more. He coughed a few times more before he finally got whatever blocked his airway, my lips curving up to form a smile.

The raven–haired boy then turned to face me, his once gelled hair now falling smoothly onto his forehead in a silky curl. His eyebrows frowned at my showcase of small happiness, clearing his throat before pushing the loose locks away from his eyes. 

“Are you smiling?” Despite the recent happenings, his own grin had settled on his face. “At least now I know you really were worried about me.”

With that, my simper dropped, rolling my eyes at him before continuing my walk. “Or that I was joyed you almost died in front of me.”

“Laugh at other people's suffering, of course you would.” Grumbled the boy, silently.

“You do realize you're getting glared at by like more than half of the instructors, right?” I trailed my eyes to where we were walking, feeling eyes watching from afar. Or more specifically, gazing at the boy following beside me.

“They're just jealous,” He clicked his tongue, having the audacity to wink at one of them. “At least I'm not painfully starving myself to death.”

“You say that everytime but then comply to your usual diet like an obedient puppy after you get scolded later on.” Which was true, but then also not, seeing as he sometimes goes off to eat anything he wants. I do however, admire how he manages to fulfill his assignments.

“Well, uh, it's called being a role model. Just like what that old woman told me before, that if someone wants to be beautiful, they have to suffer.” He reasoned out, chewing the last bite of his food.

“You sound like you're on the last days of your life.”

William Finsby, or Liam, as he convinced me everyday to call him, is a boy whom never gave up on the idea of being a bothersome roach. Being the danseur noble, male counterpart of a prima ballerina absoluta, we were both assigned to take up the lead characters of another romantic piece, specifically Giselle. By the end of that one, the audience deemed us as worthy main performers, alighting the popular pairing between us.

“The show's over, why are you still being a pain?” I stepped to the left hallway, ducking slightly as a man passed by with a pole of lights.

“Is it bad to seek company from a friend?”

“Then why make an effort to be with someone who's not one.” Reaching for the door to the room, I pushed it open and headed straight inside.

“Okay ouch,” He stopped for a second with a frown before following right after. “But I'll see the positivity in the situation and be happy that you just don't want to friendzone me.”

Upon reaching the table assigned with my items, I quickly sat down on the chair and remove my earrings. “How difficult is it to grasp the idea of my unavailability?”

“The same obscurity as to believing that you're already married,” Liam took the seat next to mine, placing his arm on the side while lazily laying his cheek on his knuckles. “And yet I see no signs of a ring.”

Right. Edmund and I never really had the chance to bring back the proof of our unity from Narnia. Speaking of the boy, my eyes quickly snapped to the book in front of me. My hand gingerly flipped it open, taking the letter I hid inbetween pages. As I carefully ripped it undone, the boy suddenly leaned a bit closer to look at it.

“The least you could do is to give me some privacy,” He took the hand I used to push his face away, myself pulling it from his hold. “Erase that, you being inside the girls dressing room is already saying enough.”

Shrugging innocently, he just gave a smile to a trio of females by the side. Them dreamily waving at him back, myself not acknowledging that they were also in the space. “The others don't seem to mind me in here.”

Ignoring people has been quite what I've been doing a lot these past few days. Which was what I did to that blonde eldest sibling when we were together, makes me miss the times I got to bully him. He was an idiot, but he was one that's always there to be your personal nitwit advisor. Both him and Susan occasionally finds the time to exchange letters with me. Sometimes taking advantage of my family's faster channels, which grandfather paid for some reason, so that they could have the letters for their siblings sent on a quicker pace.

Beginning to read through the letter of the two poor Pevensies stuck in Cambridge, it was just a normal update of their lives much like before. It was filled with Edmund's humorous complaints of a cousin he calls a lizard, later delving into his deep affectionate poetry that made me bite my lip from smiling, and then his longing to stand beside me.

Right after that, I scanned through Lucy's with the same expression on my face. She was the one who gave the more specific happenings, always a gossiper despite it through papers. Her routines of naming the things that reminded her of what used to be made my beam drop to a nostalgic one. The residue of their emotions whilst writing still lingered on each words, filling my senses with the feelings they expressed with all their heart. It was just a normal letter of addressing but then the last part of Lucy's letter caught my attention. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at it for a few more moments before hurriedly folding the two papers.

“Woah, woah, woah, why are we rushing?” Liam glanced at me worriedly, also standing up to somewhat help me pack my belongings.

“Because I'm leaving.” I took the folded clothing I wore earlier, going behind one of the dressing dividers to change.

“This early?” Already finished with the outfit exchange, I got out to receive my bags from him.

“As much as I'd love to stay here and daydream about stabbing all the moles I see on your—”

He trailed right behind me as I made my exit, a grin on his face. “That sounds like a romantic date.”

“Yeah, and I'll use the blood spilling from your wounds to make a lovely painting about a field of roses.” A hearty laugh resonated from him, cracking me to let out a snort.

“Seriously though, I was just going to tell you about the rumours of who they picked for the lead roles of Romeo and Juliet.”

“Do I really need to hear it?” I groaned, attentively walking down the steps of the stairs.

“Well, I suppose you might have already guessed the obvious.” He chuckled, rushing to open the exits for me.

In times like these, the boy wasn't really that of a pure nuisance. William's endeavors these past few months surely caused me to become somewhat less annoyed at his ridiculousness. Although that doesn't mean I don't have anymore murderous thoughts everytime he was near, specially with all his nonsensical attempts to flirt.

“Listen Landon,” I momentarily stopped as we reached the sidewalks, him sighing at the wrong name. “I may not be back for a few days.”

“Trouble in paradise, is it?” Nodded the boy.

“You could say that,” He cracked a small smile, placing his hands inside his pockets. “Also, tell your mother to stop drinking tea. She knows she's allergic to it.”

“I'm not even going to ask how you know that, all I get is a mere cryptic message that I'll never ever get.”

“Just do what I said and you'll still have a mother by the time you're old and grey” I gave him a tiny smile, him blinking at my words.

“Okay, uh . . . thanks?” Patting his shoulder with a small ‘no problem’, I snapped my attention to the sound of impatient honking.

Quickly, my legs then moved to the direction of our vehicle, climbing up to meet the rather annoyed but also proud face of the one and only. I placed my bags safely by the space, giving an innocent expression to my grandfather. Not long after, our ride then started to move.

“That chap still going at it?” Sherlock initiated, a snicker sounding from me at the sight of his sour face.

“Never once has he ever given up, I've learned to just let him be.” I relaxed on my seat, basking under the comforting scent of grandfather's cologne.

“I'd say poor you but as a person who knows you well, poor him,” He laughed at the glare I sent his way, pulling me onto his arms. The usual suit jacket and waistcoat were in order as always, the three items he dare not leave at the house slightly poking my body. “Enough said though, congratulations to you. That was truly remarkable, I must say.”

As you can see, my parents have once again been absent in this scene. But worry not, they were there throughout the whole show. It just so happens that they sometimes get too excited and go home to prepare a very extra huge feast for such small occasion.

But then a thought crossed right through my mind, making me peek at my grandfather from being between his hug. “Say, does this mean I get a present?”

“You're up to something.” He narrowed his eyes right at me, suspicion clear on his judging expression.

“Maybe,” I dragged, slowly unclasping from him while biting my lip. “or maybe not. But I swear it'll only be a simple one.”

“Nothing you ever ask for has ever been simple. We're not even going to talk about that one time you requested for my permission to jump off a train because you wanted to try what your grandmother experienced when she was young.”

“Oh come on, you never even said yes to any of them.” I whined, huffing while crossing my arms.

“Then what makes you think I'll even agree to what you're about to say?” The guy merely raised his brows at me, making me let out a silent scoff.

“I merely want only a few days visit to Cambridge.” His next reply made me pout deeper with a groan, “Have you finally gone mental? Cambridge is at least a good distance away from here!”

Sinking deep into the seats, I sighed heavily in both exhaustion and disappointment. It seems as if all the times he had to say his short goodbyes to me was always when it regarded the Pevensies. Either it be from going off to Professor Diggory's house when the bombings started, or for me to attend the same school as the siblings. And now, which he soon will agree on, it still had a reason concerning the same family.

“After it, I'll no longer ask for anymore things. I promise,” I looked at him with the best look for the situation. “And agree to go with wherever you want these coming holidays.”

Silence ensued after my words, him contemplating on what to do. I quietly hoped for him to reconsider while gazing straight forward, not wanting to feel his hesitant gaze. Then after just a few more minutes, he finally broke the loud ringing of the soundless atmosphere.

“I'm not quite liking how you're growing up very quickly,” Ever since I was little, it marked the start of his release of feelings. Sherlock Holmes has always been rumoured to be an emotionless detective as much as he is a sociopath. That he has no care whatsoever to how others are doing just for him to continue his job. “Just promise me you'll be careful.”

“When was I never?” And with that, I found myself back in his sweet embrace, not taking his rare showcase of this much emotions for granted. It was never common for the legendary man to even exhibit a tinge of vulnerability, much less even let a person see him being one.

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