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Redemption - Dean Winchester

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Asher Kalani Clarke is the most difficult thing the Winchester brothers have ever had to deal with. Trust does not come easily but once she proves her loyalty to them they realise they need to give her a shot at the one thing she truly wants - redemption. With demons to exorcise, ghosts to kill and people to protect the three must learn to work together and get the job done efficiently.

"I can't die, believe me I've tried hard enough. The only thing I can do now is make up for what I've done. You can help me earn redemption Dean." Asher spoke quietly.

"How could I ever trust a creature like you?" Dean sighed back in reply.

"I just saved your life. Demon or not that has to count for something. You're just going to have to have a little faith in me."

Dean Winchester has always been clear on what his job is - kill the bad guys. No grey, just black and white. What should he do now that Asher has come along and screwed everything up. Kill her or help her? Only he can decide.
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