1.Ready For Another Hunt

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"Frigging hell Sammy, it hurts like a son of a bitch." I ground out from where I was sat in the passenger seat of my impala. "I'm never going to get the blood out, I liked this shirt."

"It's five more minutes until we get to the hospital, are you going to complain the whole way there?" I saw Sam roll his eyes at me, I really love to wind him up.

"I've been shot Sammy." It hurt like a real son of a bitch as well.

"And whose fault is that?"

"Well I didn't shoot myself did I?" We had been out hunting a shape shifter, the fucking bastard that it is. Sammy and I had gone down into the sewers ready to kill it and the plan was to stick together so we wouldn't get mistaken for that bitch. It was completely accidental of course but I did wander away from him a little bit and found myself standing face to face with a perfect replica of me. "If I remember correctly it was you who pulled the trigger."

"You're the one that moved." Not surprisingly he was able to figure out who was who after a little while of arguing over it. BANG goes the gun, I move too early, bullet goes straight through the shape shifters chest and buries itself deep in my shoulder.


"Jerk." The hospital was pulling into sight as we rounded a corner. "What's the cover story this time?"

"Hunting accident." I shrugged as we pulled into a parking space in the corner on the opposite side of the parking lot to the building. "Just say my brother's a clumsy shot."

"Oh God, I'm never living this one down am I?" With that he got out of the car making sure to slam the door behind him.

"Hey watch the car." I shouted, reaching across my body with my good arm to open the door. By the time I got out he was already making his way across the parking lot without me. I jogged a little to catch up, turning my head ever so slightly to smirk at him. Sammy knows I love to wind him up, I'll never understand why he still bites.

"Hey, my...uh brother here needs somebody to look at his shoulder." Sam told the nurse behind the reception desk. He took one look at me and the sight of all the blood made the colour drain from his face. The dude's a nurse what the hell does he expect to see.

"Not scared of a little blood are yah?" I teased, grimacing when my brother rewarded me with a swift punch to the lower part of my arm. "Bad arm Sam." I spat holding my shoulder with my good arm. The bitch did that to me on purpose. It's his fault I'm here in the first place.

"I know." I couldn't resist, I stamped my foot down on top of his hard. He didn't say anything to me but he gave me that look he does - the one he always does when he's sick of my shit. Sam just has the 'I'm going to fucking kill you Dean' look perfected. I usually get it at least three times a day. "Here's our insurance." Sam handed over a card he picked from his wallet.

"Here you go Mr Janeski. If you and your brother wait here for a second and the doctor will be right out." I gave him a small, tight lipped smile while moving out of the way to let the person behind me through. The hairs on the nape of my neck suddenly stood on end, a shiver making its way down my spine. I spun around to see what caused the feeling and saw nothing but a doctor stood there, looking down at a clipboard. "Mr Janeski could you please follow me and we'll get that shoulder looked at." She kept her nose buried in the papers she was looking at, only lifting her head once she was facing away from me.

My eyes stayed focused on her as me and Sammy followed behind her but they wandered a little lower than they probably should. She had one mighty fine ass though, it looked good even in the ugly, light blue scrubs she was wearing. Damn I want to grab it so badly right now. "Right in here."

"Thank you." She held the door open for us, directing us into a small room with a black bed in the corner that has white protective roll over it. I took a seat on the bed when instructed to do so and watched her as she worked, getting things from cupboards and drawers. At first I got a little distracted - she is fit as hell. Even with a loose fitting shirt on I can see her perfectly petite figure. It took me a couple of seconds to figure out what felt off about her. From what I could tell she was deliberately hiding her face from view.

"So, what happened to the shoulder?" I spread my legs a little bit wider so that she was able to stand in between them to take a good look at the injury. She had no choice now other than to look up but she didn't raise her head more than necessary and her short brown hair fell forward and covered most of her face. I wearily looked over to my brother who shrugged his shoulders in confusion, he was clearly thinking the same thing as me.

"My brother's a crappy shot with a rifle." I chuckled waiting for Sam to bite back,

"And my brother doesn't know how to keep still." There it was. I was going to be able to tease him about this for at least the next week. It is going to drive him crazy.

"Why on earth were you boys messing around with rifles?" She asked, cutting away at the sleeve of my shirt to remove it from the wounded area.

"It was a hunting accident." As soon as the words left my mouth the was an instant moment of hesitation in her movements. It was only a short second at most but still long enough for me to notice it.

"Really? What do you guys hunt?" She had finished cutting up my shirt, pulling my hand away from over the hole it was covering.

"A little bit of everything." Sammy answered for me. I braced myself, wincing ever so slightly when she began to remove the bullet that was still stuck inside of me. In a way I'm lucky it was still in and it wasn't a through and through shot but right now I'm wishing it had of been. "Quit being a baby Dean."

"How about I shoot you Sammy, see how you like it." I gritted out and the cute doctor chuckled.

"Honestly, you two fight like a married couple. Is it always like this?"

"Damn it." I groaned when she pierced my skin with a suture. "Yeah it's always like this, he's a bitch."

"Jerk." My brother quipped out under his breath. I turned to look at him and he started mouthing words to me. "Something's up." I nodded my head to silently agree with him. "Is it her?"

"I think so." I mouthed back to him and watched his face harden, jaw setting firmly into place and his head nodded slightly as he thought over the situation.

"Okay we're all done here. Try to avoid anymore hunting accidents, I'd prefer not to see you in here again."

"Hey Sammy, I'll meet you out in the car." He nodded with an okay and then left to go to the impala where I would meet him shortly. "Hey doc, would you maybes like to go out sometime?"

"I don't know about that Dean, we don't really know each other." While she was packing things away again I jumped down from the bed and walked over to her. She gasped when she turned around and collided with my chest, stumbling backwards until my hands on her hips caught her mid fall. When she had fell her head has finally titled up giving me a view of her features. I knew something was off about her. The moment I had laid my touch on her body her eyes had flashed black before returning to the gorgeous brown they were showing to me now. "What?" She quipped when she noticed me staring at her. I don't know whether or not I'm tired and seeing things, whether it was a trick of the light or whether or not her eyes actually just flashed black at me.

"What did you do to your face?" It was bruised black and blue on the entire right side with a deep cut to the forehead on the left. It looked like she had been heavily assaulted in the near past. None of the bruises have started to turn yellow yet so it has to be recently that they were inflicted, probably within the week depending on how quickly she heals.

"I got into a fight." She whispered and I couldn't say that I wasn't shocked. Not exactly the words I was expecting her to say. "I had good reason though and in all fairness he threw the first punch." It was a he? I have no respect for the man that did this to her, it's absolutely disgusting what he has done to her.

"Did you kick his ass?" I sure hope so. I hope she handed it to him on a silver platter never mind just kicked it. If she didn't I'll hunt him down myself and I sure as hell will. By the time I'm through with him he wont be walking for a week.

"What about when I get off work in the morning?" She asked, swiftly changing the subject confusing me a little bit until I remembered we were on about going on a date. A date is the perfect chance to figure out what the hell is up with her that is making me feel so uneasy, best opportunity to learn more about her. "We could go for breakfast after I finish my shift. There's somebody I need to see first but it shouldn't take more than half an hour."

"What time do you get off?"

"Six." She smiled flashing me a set of perfect pearly whites. I swear I felt my heart skip a beat, trying to ignore the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I'm Dean Winchester, I don't get frigging butterflies because of a girl.

"How about I pick you up here at seven?"

"Brilliant. I guess I'll see you then."

"I'll see you then Doc." I reached for my jacked to pull it on. I couldn't go walking around with part of my sleeve missing and a horrible looking medical patch on show.

"Kalani, my name's Kalani."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Her face tinged pink at my compliment but there was something in her eyes that told me she wasn't as happy as she seemed. Her eyes were showing me that she was deep in thought, trying to figure me out. "I'll see you at seven." I didn't wait any longer before leaving and rushing out of the hospital to get to the Impala where Sam is sat inside waiting on me.

"Is it her?" He asked, starting the car up.

"You ready for another hunt Sam. We'll be picking her up straight after he shift ready to exorcise the son of a bitch." I want to send this sucker back to hell.

"She's a demon?" Sam actually sounded surprised at that, his face saying a heck of a lot more than his words.

"I think the black eyes gave it away."

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