At Saint Marriet High School, star wrestler Violet finds an unlikely connection with loner Jasper, whose dislike of touch sparks her interest and leads to a budding romance in their small town.
Violet is a sophomore and a beautiful wrestler who placed second at the state championship. With long brown hair, perfect skin, and a gorgeous smile, she could be on the cover of the yearbook. While she's great at wrestling, she uses the sport to release all the anger built up inside of her.
Jasper is a junior enrolled in three AP classes. He doesn't let anyone touch him and he completely freaks out if someone does, even if it's a bump in the hallway. He's just an average student avoiding the nerd label. Despite his mountain of homework, he helps raise his younger siblings.
An accident introduces Violet to Jasper for the first time. Violet tries to help him, and he snaps at her, which of course makes her snap at him. Only familiar with a wrestling mat, Violet finds herself wrestling not only with Jasper but also with her heart.