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Our Inside Joke

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David and Liza was famous for being such a cute couple in social media and also they are famous youtubers. Of course, in a love story many obstacles will be tackled and David and Liza's obstacle was Liza, pregnant. Liza has so many questions that should be answered and so many people to tell, her fans, her friends and also his Indian father. Liza is very afraid her father will get mad at David and herself for David not marrying Liza before she was pregnant.
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A walk in October

A walk in October

47 6 6

It was the fall when she met him. In her world she was concerned about only one thing. Her fragile heart. She has been broken too many time so far, and this was supposed to be no different. Although in Ray's nearness she felt an apprehension this time. In a Scott inspired gesture she decided to work upon her present. It was only the beginning of what she felt she needed to do to absolve herself. Her guilt laid heavy in her heart each passing day. The only reason she didn't lose herself in the darkness was hope. She tried not be selfish, but she could not imagine him with anyone else ever. She hoped he will understand just how broken she was and see how much he affected her life.…



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留学国外学位学历认证《原版仿制温哥华岛大学本科毕业证》【Q/微1954 292 140】《VIU研究生学位证书制作》毕业证、成绩单、大学Offer、雅思托福代考、语言证书、学生卡、高仿教育部认证等一切高仿或者真实可查认证服务。代办国外(海外)英国、加拿大、美国、新西兰、澳大利亚、新西兰等国外各大学毕业证《加拿大文凭证书设计在线办理温哥华岛大学本科毕业证》【Q/微1954 292 140】《制作温哥华岛大学研究生学位证书》文凭学历证书、成绩单、学历学位认证真实可查。如果您是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题: 1、在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业《加拿大文凭证书设计在线办理温哥华岛大学本科毕业证》【Q/微1954292140】《制作温哥华岛大学研究生学位证书》,拿不到官方毕业证; 2、面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; 3、不清楚流程以及材料该如何准备;4、回国时间很长,忘记办理; 5、回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; 6、企事业单位必须要求办理的;《原版仿制温哥华岛大学本科毕业证》文凭学历证书办理流程《Q微1954292140》:1、客户提供办理信息:姓名、生日、专业、学位、毕业时间等(如信息不确定可以咨询顾问:微信1954292140我们有专业老师帮你查询);2、客户付定金下单;3、公司确认到账转制作点做电子图;4、电子图做好发给客户确认;5、电子图确认好转成品部做成品;6、成品做好拍照或者视频确认再付余款;7、快递给客户(国内顺丰,国外DHL)。优质精英团队,,耐心专业的资深留学顾问为您解答的所有疑问!提供英 #加 #美 #澳 #欧洲等全部原版毕业证《VIU本科毕业证原版仿制》【Q/微1954292140】《在线办理温哥华岛大学学费单文凭证…

Agent Flake & Agent Crystal

Agent Flake & Agent Crystal

131 23 11

So this story is about agents and FBI stuff. There would be BTS and some of my own twists 😘😉. The two agents working together on a case unfold some truths of their own lives and some about the case. The case is about a boy who was alive or not wasn't sure, there were signs of a su**ide attempt but nonetheless there was no b*dy. Some words will not be written fully but I would try to give the hint about it as for me I can't write them.This is my first crime fiction which I will write so I will try to gather my knowledge from the crime thrills I watched up until now 😂.This work of mine might be long maybe 20 parts or more or less , not sure.. (lol.. I am not sure about how many parts will I write).Disclaimer : - If any of these names relate to reality isn't my fault. It's all my imagination and inspiration from stories so please if they match or think i am stealing then i am sorry but i really didn't mean to. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE AN ADVANTAGE. This is my STORYLINE so PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO STEAL MY WORKS.…

Laser Interferometer Research: Telecommunication Industry Analysis

Laser Interferometer Research: Telecommunication Industry Analysis

0 0 1

The "Laser Interferometer Research" report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global market for laser interferometers, providing insights into its size, share, and segmentation. This research delves into various aspects, including types of laser interferometers such as Fabry-Perot, Fizeau, Mach-Zehnder, Twyman-Green, Sagnac, and Michelson, exploring their technological advancements and applications across industries.The report investigates the preferences and trends within end-user industries such as aerospace & defense, life sciences, automotive, industrial, electronics manufacturing, and telecommunication, elucidating how laser interferometers are utilized and integrated within each sector. Furthermore, it examines the diverse applications driving market growth, including surface topology analysis, applied science research, semiconductor detection, engineering, and biomedical imaging.…

First and Last

First and Last

20 5 4

MICHAEL LARSEN: Handsome, masculine, perfect: Never tended to love someone, until her.IRIS WATSON: Gracious, calm, perfect: Michael's ruin, his destiny and love.DANIEL STONE: Iris's best friend since kindergarten, falls for her when she was in her perfect relationship."He's my first and my last. I can't even think about you like that!""You never know...until you try.""No way, Dan. You can never be in his place.""Michael can, Iris?""Of course, he can.""Fine..." He stayed still for a moment, with his dark gaze lingering his brows; he whispered, "Prepare for his funeral, then..."Who will Iris choose: Best friend or Boyfriend?…



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کیم تهیونگ، فضا نورد کره‌ای/آمریکایی بعد از پرتاب سفینه‌اش به فضا با یه اختلال توی عملکرد دستگاهش‌ مواجه میشه و به یه سیاره ی ناشناخته سقوط می‌کنه. انتظار داشت داخل مواد مذاب یا مثلا سیاه‌چالی چیزی بمیره ولی وقتی به اون فضایی عجیب و وراج برخورد کرد همه چیز عوض شد._سلاااااام اسم من ژانکوکه‌ اسم تو چیه؟؟؟…

For Peace!

For Peace!

95 5 3

Svarn, who is trying to find peace in her shattered world is met with a silly boy who only bring problems to her already messy life or that's what she like to say.Will she be able to realize that the only thing Advik bring is light to her darkness..You are a fool.Whatever you want me to, your majesty!…

Live, Love, and Laugh

Live, Love, and Laugh

0 0 1

Here's the sequel to Dream, Believe, Love, Faith, and Hope.One year later, Faline Stephanie Scarlet and the turtles are ready to embark on another adventure to save the city from the Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Krang. Along the way, Faline meets her long-lost brother, Rocco, and learns about how her mother got the fire ability.…

The Potter Twins and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The Potter Twins and the Prisoner of Azkaban

92 0 24

Olivia Potter, her brother and their friends are back at their third year of Hogwarts, and everything is changing. Olivia past trauma has left her shaken to the core, and it only seems to be getting worse. But new danger is coming their way in the form of spectral dog, that promises nothing but danger abs harm. The mass murderer Sirius Black looms in the background, dangerous and insane.…

United's Chaotic Triumph.

United's Chaotic Triumph.

0 0 1

A story on the revival of Manchester United, in an eccentric, yet unorthodox way, that ends in a touching yet satisfying manner.…