Read Stories Not Your Typical Student-Teacher Love Thing! (Complete) - TeenFic.Net

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Not Your Typical Student-Teacher Love Thing! (Complete)

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Hello my name is Kate, and this is my story. Its about the year I turned 18/ my senior year in high school. Its about how I met Eric and its OUR story. It's a rather interesting story, rather strange, but full of romance (without going into detail) and has both good times and bad. We started out having a great summer, then school starts and things get rocking. We are finally smoothing things out when things take a turn for the worse. Now what's going to happen? Is he still going to be with me? Is he going to leave me? Does he really love me the way he says he does? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!?! Those were just some of the many things going through my head. But let me start at the begining....
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