Chapter 13

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For the next week the things were pretty much the same Eric spent the night my mom was there before I woke up. My mom would spend the day talking and doing my homework so I could stay on track for graduation. After school Chrissy would come sometimes with other people. After they left Eric would come and we would spend sometime with my mom then we would get some time to ourselves. A few times other teachers stopped by to give tests or quizzes but that wasn’t often.

Today is Saturday and my mom is sleeping in because Eric spent the night and my mom knew he would be here pretty much all day so we encouraged her to sleep in. Eric and I were laughing and joking around when there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” I said.

“Hey. How are you?” a familiar voice said as she walked in the door.

Eric and I froze we both knew as soon as she opened her mouth it was Ms. Bloom, my history teacher. “I’m fine. A little drained after taking my math quiz.” I tried to recover quickly. Eric quickly caught on taking less time then me to recover already more calm and composed then me.

“Alright, Ms. Grangerly I have your quiz,” he said grabbing his workbag. Thank god he came from school yesterday. “I hope I’ll see you in class soon. Take care. Bye Robin.” He said to Ms. Bloom and walked out the door. I was shocked to say the least.

I turned my attention back to Ms. Bloom, “Sorry I didn’t realize you were coming today.”

“I talked to your mom, she said it was okay.”

“No your fine! I just didn’t realize. She’s been scatterbrained lately she probably just forgot.”

“Ok. Sorry about surprising you, I really didn’t mean too. But I have your history test. Are you ready to take it now?”

“Yeah, but can I just look my notes real quick, you know to get math off the brain and focused on history?”

“Yeah totally fine. Go right ahead.” I grabbed my notebook and read over my notes once and took the quiz. When I was finished, I gave her back my quiz. “So when do you get released?”

“Tomorrow, they wanted me a few extra days so they could check out my ankle so it will be easier for me when I get home. Since my hand is broken, I can’t use crutches so I have to use a wheelchair but when switching between bed to the chair it will be easier if I could put some weight on one leg so they think it should be good tomorrow.”

“Oh, do you know when you’ll be back in school.”

“No idea. Honestly the sooner the better, I really don’t want to fall behind. That’s why I really appreciate you coming here, so I don’t fall behind.”

“Oh, it’s no problem! I’m glad I could help. I’d hate to see you not graduate with your class.”

“Thanks, that means a lot to me.”

Just then my mom walked in the door, “hey guys I brought you lunch.” She looked up as she walked in. “Where’s Eric?”

“He stepped out when Mr. Winter came to give me my math quiz, then Ms. Bloom came as Mr. Winter was leaving. I’m surprised you didn’t see him in the hall.”

“Oh, he probably went to the cafeteria or something, you know how he wonders.” My mom said catching on quickly.

“Eric is my boyfriend.” I said to Ms. Bloom. She nodded.

“Oh, yeah, Kate your teacher called, Ms. Bloom she’s coming by to give you a test I told her that was fine.” My mom said I could tell that she just remembered she forgot to tell me.

“Thanks mom for the warning.”

“No problem.” She said as we all started to giggle. Ms. Bloom didn’t stay too much longer and I called Eric and told him the coast was clear and he quickly came back. We had lunch and were just joking around. Occasionally I was taken to physical therapy or to get a test done or something. But those didn’t last too long.

That night Eric spent the night as usual and my mom came early in the morning since I was getting released. They did a few more tests, checked out my ankle pretty thoroughly and finally cleared me saying it had it be in a brace at all times except when sleeping or showering (and I was given extra instructions with all my casts) and that I shouldn’t try to walk on it just use it for support when getting from my bed or couch or wherever into the wheelchair that I had to have. I was super excited I finally got to get out of the hospital gown and into my own clothes and I was going back to my house with my room and my bed.

After the tests I got back to my room and changed my clothes. When I was putting on my shirt I noticed my belly had gotten a little bigger. It wasn’t huge but you definitely tell I had gained some weight; I was starting to get my baby bump. I was excited and I couldn’t wait for this baby to come and this was a step closer. I didn’t say anything when my mom and Eric came back into the room, but when I stood up to get in the wheelchair they both noticed.

I could tell Eric wasn’t sure what to say, not wanting to insult me about gaining weight but wanting to show he noticed and cared about the baby. He finally smiled and said, “I see the baby’s getting bigger.” I immediately looked offended, wanting to tease Eric.

“Are you calling me fat!” I asked in a horrified voice.

His smile dropped, “NO! NO! NO! I wasn’t saying that at all… I just… I… I…” he was stammering and I burst out laughing. I couldn’t keep a straight face any longer. He looked totally confused and just said, “What?”

“Eric your fine! I was just kidding! I know I’m going to get fat and I don’t care. I just noticed the baby was getting bigger too I’m so excited.” I said beaming. He smiled back at me and my mom joined in.

“Don’t worry you’ll be plenty big just give it some time. What are you 12 weeks?” she asked. I nodded. “Give it another month or two you’ll get there.” I laughed but I couldn’t wait, I was really excited for this baby especially now that I know my mom is okay with it. We checked out and I finally got to go home.  My mom had told me my dad was in the process of moving out and was almost done and honestly I wasn’t too upset. My room was on the second floor so I was going to be in the living room on pullout couch for a while but at least I was home. Eric spent the day helping me get settled in and what not and I was happy. The only down side to being home was Eric was spending the night with me any more. But he was planning on coming everyday afterschool like he has been but I go back to school we’ll probably go back to our weekend schedule, and I wasn’t necessarily looking forward to that either, but hey I at least I wasn’t in the hospital anymore with someone constantly watching or at least that’s what it felt like.

After dinner Eric left so he could get ready for school and because I was about to fall asleep. We were all super tired. We kissed goodbye and goodnight, and I was out shortly afterwards.


Ha ha i updated twice in one week! its my way of saying sorry for not updating during the school year and i had nothing to do this morning lol.

Well let me know what was your favorite part? Do you like this? or whatever else you have to say.

Thanks for reading! I'll try to update again this week if not forsure next week!

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