Newtmas One-Shots (Completed)

363 likes / 18,620 reads
a collection of newtmas one shots (newt + thomas)
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Modern Radhiye

Modern Radhiye

7 0 1

Akshara,chirpy youtuber goes to her native village where spent first few years of her life... She meets her childhood friend,Dev,a professional Potter... What will happen when they meet again ? What does the universe hold for them ? Let's wait and watch…

An Unexpected Visit for the Potters.

An Unexpected Visit for the Potters.

29 4 5

After an unfortunate incident during which Petunia Dursley's house caught on fire, Petunia is forced to spend her next couple of weeks at her nephew and his wife's house. Her husband, Vernon died a short while ago and her son, Dudley was out of town for work leaving no other choice but to stay with the Potters. Will Petunia be able to endure living in a magical household with an annoying toddler and infant? Will she adjust to the Potters life style? Or will Petunia have to find somewhere else to live?…

A mistake saves a life

A mistake saves a life

370 24 7

god of death makes a little mistake, wonder how that will go? two worlds get connected through two souls, what's the worst that will happen? it can't change much can it?well too bad these two are a special case.***this story came purely from my boredom, I'm not too good of a writer but I'll try my best and English is not my first language. I hate uncontinued works so I'll try my best and I'm not fond of writing ships so no ships in my stories. oh and this is my first story that I upload, I'm also posting on ao3, same tittle same username.…



10 4 4

Lavin Ace Varde…

[HopeMin/JiHope] The Forest of Unspoken Love

[HopeMin/JiHope] The Forest of Unspoken Love

15 0 6

Hopemin/Jihope The Hobbit/Tolkien AUIn the ancient forest of Lothlorien, Hoseok, the elven prince, lives a revered yet solitary life. His heart is untouched until he meets Jimin, a curious hobbit boy from the Shire. Their friendship blossoms, with Jimin's innocence bringing light to Hoseok's world. As Jimin matures, his feelings for Hoseok deepen into love, but Hoseok remains unaware, viewing Jimin as a beloved brother. When Jimin confesses his love, Hoseok's inability to reciprocate leaves Jimin heartbroken. Their bond is tested when an ogre prince, Taehyung, kidnaps Jimin. Hoseok vows to rescue him, realizing a deeper connection and an unspoken bond that might change both their destinies.…

Idk what this is

Idk what this is

421 28 12

I got bored…

🩵The Stars We See At Night🖤 - SatoSugu Fic

🩵The Stars We See At Night🖤 - SatoSugu Fic

0 0 1

Warning: This Follows Canon, just gayer (obviously.)Look Akutami may hate us but honestly I can't deny I love his writing.Note: This contains Non-canon scenes, mostly from my own head canons and how I've analyzed the characters. But tbh they're gay enough as it is. I just added more.🖤 - Suguru's POV🩵 - Satoru's POV…

My boyish girlfriend (✔)

My boyish girlfriend (✔)

798 112 25

BLURBLeonardo Santiago but Leo for short.A basketball player,who annoyed to this one transferee because of her attitude.Everytime they saw each other the girl always creased her eyebrows.But according to Leo the girl wasn't his type,and she will never be.But something's happened.At first he didn't mind it but this time he asked himself.Who is she?He felt something connection with her.What if that girl really part of his past?What will Leo do?As well as that girl.Start: November 15,2023 End: December 21,2023…

Silent Alliances

Silent Alliances

0 0 2

In the heart of Millfield High, where whispers and stares ruled the hallways, lived a girl named Emma. A quiet and shy soul, Emma found herself perpetually on the fringes of school life. Her classmates saw her as different, strange, and unworthy of friendship. The constant bullying wore her down, making her retreat further into her shell.Then, one fateful day, the balance of power at Millfield shifted dramatically. A new student, Christopher, enrolled. He was no ordinary transfer; he was secretly the world's most dangerous and ruthless mafia leader, hiding behind the facade of a high school student. Christopher's presence was commanding and enigmatic, and his sharp eyes missed nothing.Despite his fearsome reputation, there was something about Emma that intrigued Christopher. As the days passed, he began to notice the cruelty she endured. His ruthless exterior masked a code of honor that detested such injustice. Slowly, Christopher began to intervene, subtly at first, but with growing intensity, making it clear that Emma was under his protection.Emma, initially wary and confused by Christopher's interest, started to see glimpses of kindness beneath his dangerous exterior. As their unlikely friendship blossomed, Emma began to find her own strength and voice. The school dynamics shifted, and Emma learned that sometimes the most unexpected alliances could transform one's life.…

So High School ✶ Amerie Wadia

So High School ✶ Amerie Wadia

209 31 4

I would choose you in every lifetime. Heartbreak High Season One - Two Fem Original Character / Amerie Wadia…