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Thomas's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I got up in bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning, as the sun poured through the bedroom window. I sit there, running my hands through my messy hair.

I look to my left and see an empty spot where Dylan should be lying, but he wasn't there.

It suddenly dawns on me what today is, and I let out a groan. It's my 29th birthday. I hear footsteps and look towards the door as Dylan enters the room. He's carrying a tray with pancakes, bacon, eggs, orange juice, and oreos.

He smiles and I can't help but beam back, as he sets down the tray on my lap.

"Happy Birthday, Thomas," He says, "You're getting so old!"

"Oh shut up!" I throw a pillow at him and he laughs. He sits in front of me as I eat my breakfast, smiling widely at me.

"What do you want to do today, babe?" I look into his deep brown eyes and lose myself for a second. But I quickly snap back into reality.

"Well, I'd like to go to the beach, you know? And have date night at a fancy restaurant." Dylan grabs my free hand and says, "That sounds perfect. Now come on, finish so we can get ready." He walks away, but before he leaves he flashes a wink at me. I smile and scarf down the last of my breakfast.


After we find the perfect spot, Dylan and I set up our parasol and we lay down the beach towels. We sit down together and take a minute to stare at the beautiful ocean.

"Thank you Dylan, for the breakfast, it was lovely." I say.

He grabs for my hand and kisses my knuckles, "Anything for you Thomas." He makes me blush, which I try to hide, but fail. He laughs then asks, "Should we put sun screen on?"

"Yeah, I don't want to be kissing a hot potato." I joke. He laughs and takes off my shirt for me. The sun screen feels ice cold against my skin, but I can feel the warmth of Dylan's hands. He rubs and massages my back with sun screen. I feel like I'm in heaven, and starts rubbing my neck, shoulders, arms, and my torso. Then, he spreads it all over my face and tops everything off with a dab on my nose.

I giggle and then take off his shirt, taking the sun screen and doing the same back. As I'm rubbing into his back, he tells me I should rub his back more. I giggle again, but I agree, as long as he does too.

After we're done, we begin walking around the beach. We walk into the shallow waves and Dylan squeals as the water grazes his feet. I laugh and pull him into a hug, pressing my lips against his, and then I shove him into the waters.

"HEY! What was that for?!" He gets up and grabs his shoulders, obviously cold. I walk over, "I'm sorry, I'm was just playing around." He takes me by surprise and shoves me into the waters too. The brief moment of being devoured in cold salt water makes me squeal.

"Lol, got you back!" He teases. I stand up laughing, "Did you really just say 'lol'?" I question.

"Yes, yes I did." He replies.

"You're so cute." I say.

"No, Thomas," He say, "you are." He leans in, cupping my face with one hand, and softly connects with my lips, teasingly. He tugs my lower lip with his teeth and then molds his lips with mine. It's a real passionate kiss, and he even grabs my waist and I fall back, a leg in the air, just like in the movies.

He pulls away and pulls me up, grabbing my hand as we walk on and I lay my head on his shoulder.


Hours later, we're sitting at a table together at a fancy restaurant. We're even wearing our fancy suits, and Dylan shaved his scruff. I just ordered salmon slathered in marmalade glaze and Dylan got spaghetti and meatballs with French roasted garlic bread.

"So, Thomas, has this been the best birthday yet?" He asks. I look him in his beautiful eyes and my eyes begin to water. "Yes Dylan, this is the best birthday I could ask for, even if I spend the whole day watching movies with you." I smile.

"Aww, that means a lot to me Thomas, I love you." He blushes. And I see that he's shaking his leg under the table. "I love you too, Dylan, with all my heart."


"Yeah, Dylan?"

"Speaking of love, I w-wanted to ask you something."

My breath gets caught in my throat, and I can't breathe.

"We've been together for so long, and I want to share my love for you forever, so Thomas," He says, getting up and resting on one knee before me. He pulls out a black box from his back pocket and opens it before my eyes. Inside, is a beautiful blue diamond, mounted on a silver ring.

"Will you marry me?"

I immediately start to cry, and I say, "Yes!" Dylan slips the ring on my finger and the room explodes with applause. He stands up and kisses me, making it feel like it was was our first and last kiss.

He pulls away and shows me his ring, I see my name engraved on his, and slip it on his finger. "My name is on yours too." He adds.

"Oh, Dylan, this really is the best birthday ever. I love you so much!" I say through tears.

"I love you too Thomas."

Hey guys, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in awhile, and I can't believe people still read my shit. But thank you so much anyways, and I'm glad some people like this crap I write. I literally wrote this as I thought it out, and I had to finish it today because it's actually Thomas Sangster's birthday!!! Happy birthday you beautiful angel and have another great year!!! I write more sooner or later, I hope you enjoyed!!

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