Read Stories NERDLINGS [JOKE] - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction




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You can use this a blackmail if you want. I wrote this when I was 9. This isn't fanfiction lmao.
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☞㈏짝퉁 쇼핑몰⒡[사이트:Diva쩜run]=홍콩명품 미러급❤#루이비통미니백SA급구입☞㈏짝퉁 쇼핑몰⒡[사이트:Diva쩜run]=홍콩명품 미러급❤

☞㈏짝퉁 쇼핑몰⒡[사이트:Diva쩜run]=홍콩명품 미러급❤#루이비통미니백SA급구입☞㈏짝퉁 쇼핑몰⒡[사이트:Diva쩜run]=홍콩명품 미러급❤

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⭐레플리카 쇼핑몰 추천『[사이트:Diva쩜run]』레플리카사이트1위◈️명품패딩래플리카파는곳❤️★샤넬레플리카★⭐#샤넬에스파듀S급구입,#에르메스가방레플추천,#생로랑부츠래플리카구입⭐디올레플리카『[사이트:Diva쩜run]』명품레플리카사이트추천◈️생로랑크로스백S급구입❤️★명품레플★⭐#생로랑지갑구매,#루이비통스피디백SA급가격,#크롬하츠이미테이션구입,#샤넬캐비어정방백미러급파는곳,#클러치백추천,#발렌시아가미니백미러급구입,#오피디아스몰이미테이션구입,#고야드카몬도클러치파는곳,#샤넬에스파듀짝퉁구매,#네오노에짝퉁순위,#에르메스피코탄22S급파는곳,⭐이미테이션쇼핑몰추천『[사이트:Diva쩜run]』레플리카 재구매율 1위◈️디올가디건레플리카추천❤️★레플리카신발★⭐#톰브라운로퍼파는곳,#고야드빅투아르반지갑래플리카가격,#고야드포아티에레플구매,#프라다자켓짝퉁추천,#샤넬선글라스백미러급추천,#에르메스구두구매,#루이비통락미텐더파는곳,#발렌시아가카메라백미러급파는곳,#발렌시아가하트백미러급구입,#디올스니커즈미러급추천,#톰브라운자켓가격,⭐명품레플리카시계[사이트:Diva쩜run]레플리카사이트◈️고야드생쉴피스카드지갑레플구입❤️★프리미엄 공장직영 고퀄리티★⭐#에르메스토트백래플리카가격,#로렉스126331래플리카,#구찌하프문미니백래플리카추천,#구찌힙색래플리카구입,#톰브라운토트백이미테이션가격,#뉴미니탑핸들레플,#디올스니커즈짝퉁구입,#골드볼플립백구입,#샤넬골드볼플립백레플구매,#생로랑원피스미러급파는곳,#미니앙주토트백이미테이션순위⭐레플리카 사이트 추천『[사이트:Diva쩜run]』루쏘디바 하이퀄리티 레플샵 오픈…

Camille Please don't leave me

Camille Please don't leave me

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This is a story of a girl who partically had a miserable life with he's family/parents ever since when he's sister was born, he was actually hated byhe's sister when he growed up he's sister always make him suffer even if he didn't did something bad.And yeah, he's parents also hated here and started treating him like he's not there child and badly he's sister really don't want him in here life.…

Forget me not


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En el resplandeciente Reino de Retgred, donde las torres de mármol se alzan hacia el cielo y los jardines rebosan de flores vibrantes, el joven príncipe Azai, heredero al trono, crece bajo la sombra del heroico sacrificio de su padre, caído en batalla. A sus ocho años, Azai encuentra consuelo y guía en el general Aeron, líder de los Caballeros del Reino, y en su intrépida maestra de esgrima, Elizabeth. A pesar de su corta edad, Azai se sumerge en un riguroso entrenamiento, desarrollando las habilidades necesarias para convertirse en un líder digno de su linaje.El camino de Azai hacia la grandeza se ve marcado por desafíos, incluyendo una feroz batalla contra una quimera, de la que es rescatado heroicamente por Elizabeth. La amenaza de un resurgimiento del Rey Oscuro Darakan y la aparición de quimeras oscuras cerca del palacio desencadenan una serie de eventos que obligan al joven príncipe a confrontar peligros ocultos y traiciones en el corazón del reino.Con la guía de su abuelo, el venerable Rey Aric, y la protección de sus leales aliados, Azai comienza a desentrañar los misterios de su legado y a forjar su destino. La novela teje una narrativa de valentía, sacrificio y el inquebrantable espíritu de un príncipe destinado a liderar, mientras se enfrenta a las sombras del pasado y las amenazas del presente en su camino para convertirse en el futuro rey de Retgred.…

A world of magic

A world of magic

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Raised in an orphanage, Neo knows nothing of his magical heritage. However, when he reached the age of maturity, he discovered that he possessed the powers of both the light and the dark. Neo doesn't know how his dark powers came to be, but they could get Neo killed by the magical enforcers: a group sworn to remove dark magic from the world. That's why he fled the orphanage in the dead of night and never looked back. Neo survived on the streets, using his wit and his grit as well as a little bit of his dark powers, but only when absolutely necessary. Now an adult, Neo still remained in the shadows, keeping to himself. One fateful night he stumbled across an attempted murder. Neo refused to watch an innocent man be killed. With no choice but to use his dark powers, he saves his life. Little does he know that the handsome man he saved is, in fact, a magical enforcer.…

Her Protection || Sokka x OC

Her Protection || Sokka x OC

17 0 4

Rosabella has been stuck in the palace of Ba Sing Se her whole entire life, under the protection of the Dai Lee agents. She didn't know of the war, of the Avatar returning, and she certainly didn't know of the Water Tribe warrior coming to her kingdom. The princess of Ba Sing Se has always wanted to see the world, and one boy from the Water Tribe in the South Pole just might make her dreams come true. When the Gaang makes it to the city of Ba Sing Se, no one thought there would be a princess involved. Of course, one night at a party Sokka just so happens to bump into the princess, and like all stories, has no idea who she is. Is it the start of something new?Will Rosabella see a whole new world?Can Sokka be her once upon a dream?☾~~~~☽Sokka x OC☾~~~~☽Book 2-3…

Deepest Sorrows

Deepest Sorrows

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A small book of my poems about situations throughout my life. I hope you all enjoy.…

Even God Gets Tired Of Stepping On Ants || Five Hargreeves

Even God Gets Tired Of Stepping On Ants || Five Hargreeves

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Five knew Viktor only meant well in everything he did. It shouldn't have to come to this, but Five knows all too well where being powerful and arrogant will get you. Viktor thought Five was defending Allison with his threat. That couldn't have been farther from the truth. It was a warning. The last thing he wants is to see one of the last people he trusts go down the same tragic path as him out of a false sense of loyalty and justice.This is the story of Five's time spent with The Commission how he fell in love with Dolores, and how he lost her. An alternate universe in which Five jumped ahead to the future and witnessed the apocalypse. Instead of spending four decades in a desolate wasteland, he was kidnapped by The Commission and raised to be the ultimate assassin, tasked with protecting the timeline.Some things just don't make sense until they do.…



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Cthulhu's call

Cthulhu's call

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WIP book that is Cthulhu and Sweet Tooth…