Read Stories My Name is Kara Zor-El....and I am SuperGirl - TeenFic.Net




My Name is Kara Zor-El....and I am SuperGirl

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"Have you ever felt like you just couldn't fit in?

That no matter how hard you tired you just...didn't belong?

Not the Justice League, Teen Titans, or even the Young Justice could make me feel like one of them.

I mean, a darn Atlantian could fit into society better then me.

Was there something wrong with me? Was I just too hopeless?"

--Kara Zor-El

A young alien girl finds out that being a normal human woman involves going through a lot of pain, regret, and heartache. That self acceptance is one of the most important human aspects to understand first. And she slowly comes to realize her difference it just whats makes her special after all.

Plus she has a crush on Nightwing, so...that could only end well, right?
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