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My Love Is On Fire

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Kelsea is the first women firefighter in her house and fellow firefighter Clyde doesn't approve. There are rules in place to not date coworkers in the firehouse job, which the thought of breaking those rules has never come to mind to Kelsea or Clyde. These two have had a feud going since Kelsea first joined this particular firehouse, but all it takes is one day to change it all. Kelsea goes into a dangerous fire winding up trapped. Not responding to the radio or evacuating Clyde feels many emotions in the moment and rushes in to save Kelsea against protocol... but now they've both wound up in a messy situation called love. Kelsea is determined to keep it casual because as a woman she's worked very hard to get where she is today, meanwhile Clyde is trying to make it official as fast as possible. Will Kelsea and Clyde be able to overcome their district's rules? Or will they just end up with broken hearts and the loss of their firehouse?
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