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❤️‍🔥 My Savior ❤️‍🔥

❤️‍🔥 My Savior ❤️‍🔥

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Summary: Lucifer rescued shy and gentle human girl from the Exorcist angel at deserted roads.(Lucifer x Oc love story)…

Strangers To Lovers, Nalish : A love at first sight

Strangers To Lovers, Nalish : A love at first sight

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This story is a story about #Nalish. It will include different POVs and will tell their separate lives together. This is a fan fiction so don't count on it to really happen. I hope you enjoy this story. Thanks to @user2249583 for the idea. If you read this make sure to go look at her storys!!! She is an amazing writer and comes up with amazing story's!!!…

Shadows of Ascendance

Shadows of Ascendance

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A Solo Leveling Story Related…

The Uprising: Age Of The Dirimati

The Uprising: Age Of The Dirimati

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The Harrow houses children of different sorts. Under the guise of a boarding school for the children of Clav it operates by the sidelines as a school for special children, helping them gain mastery over their abilities and keeping them safe from the Dirimati, a power thirsty sect.Jaryl, Shilan and Farrind last year students of the school share a common goal - to overthrow the Dirimati However traitors abound and a goal like theirs is easy to fail in the face of heavy opposition.But is the will to emerge triumphant enough motivation?…

Sky Blue 💙 [Y/N X TENYA IIDA]

Sky Blue 💙 [Y/N X TENYA IIDA]

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Y/N is the newest member of Class 1A,but she recognizes someone from middle school..…



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In exchange for everyone's happiness, Cecilia Salazar was more than willing to be the villain in someone's stories until she met Mr. Erwnne Mdrehjagos, the young heir of the Kings Enterprise. But here is the thing: why, out of everyone, does she only see him? And why in the world was he alive-right in front of her eyes!?…

ロシアと北朝鮮の軍事協力を非難 日米欧などが共同声明

ロシアと北朝鮮の軍事協力を非難 日米欧などが共同声明

0 0 1

米国などは9日、北朝鮮がロシアに弾道ミサイルを輸出し、ウクライナへの攻撃に使われたとして強く非難する共同声明を出した。 ロ朝の軍事協力は、欧州や朝鮮半島、インド太平洋地域など世界各地の安全保障に影響するとして、「深い懸念」を表明した。ブリンケン米国務長官=AP 声明には、日本や韓国、米英仏独伊、ウクライナ、豪州、アルゼンチンなど48カ国と欧州連合(EU)の外相が参加した。声明は、北朝鮮がロシアに弾道ミサイルを輸出し、2023年12月30日と今年1月4日のウクライナへの攻撃に使われたとして、「最も強い言葉で非難する」とした。 北朝鮮による武器輸出は、「ウクライナの人々の苦しみを増やし、ロシアの侵略戦争を支持し、国際的な不拡散体制を弱体化させる」と指摘し、反対を表明した。ロシアが北朝鮮製のミサイルを使用することで、北朝鮮が技術的・軍事的な知見を得ることになると指摘。「ロシアが武器輸出の見返りとして北朝鮮に何を提供するかを注視している」と述べた。비…

Its Takes Death To Save You

Its Takes Death To Save You

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RUIKASA STORYBAD ENGLISH GRAMMAR SEKAI...SEKAI are A forbidden Enchanted Place that is away from The real worldpeople who have tried To go to SEKAI Had Lost their minds and Died…

A Guide to Indian Football.

A Guide to Indian Football.

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Welcome to the World of Football India .…



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Shannon, a girl from south Africa and Eddy, a boy from Brazil both come to UK where they will meet each other and find they're soul mates. Could they be each others? Could it be someone else?…