Read Stories MaNan : Marrying an NRI ✅ - TeenFic.Net




MaNan : Marrying an NRI ✅

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What happens when a simple Indian conservative girl marries an unknown man? She is just thought from the very childhood that marriage is very sacred and is something that must be cherished for a lifelong. she too believes that her post married life will be romantic just like a romantic novel. Will life give a different version of romance in her life?? will it even be romance? or something which a normal Indian girl will never expect? The tradition of India and foreign is very different. The same difference comes between the two individuals. Will it ever be changed? Will they accept each other?
100% break the cliché story.

Disclaimer: Not meant to hurt anyone's feelings. Just a work of fiction, purely of my imagination.

**Many readers found chapter 14 abrupt and commented a lot to change it. Before you misjudge that chapter, I would suggest you to read till the end so that you can get to know the story better **

2nd place in THE FANFICTION AWARDS 2021 in MaNan category.

Word count: 16,687
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