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Love Of Amour

430 likes / 17,368 reads
well hey guys . First of all thank you for giving a chance to my story .

So this is my first story on amourshipping. Yes you read it correct it is an amourshipping story . Among all the serials and anime I love ash and serena as a couple . No other couple can take their place . After reading so much stories on amourshipping I decided to why not give a chance to myself and write a story about them .

But to know more about it you have to read the story as I am not going to give any spoilers 😉

Highest Rankings :-

Pokemon - 130
Serena - 38
Ash Ketchum - 42
Amourshipping - 70
Ash × Serena - 16
Satosere - 10
Aura Guardian - 4
Childhoodshipping - 5
Insectivoreshipping - 3
Prince of Rota - 1
Choosen one - 7
Pokemon High - 1
Amour - 10
Satoshi - 11
Alola - 25
Aura - 27
Pokemon xy - 15
Ash-Greninja - 17
Smart Ash - 11
Pikachu - 15
AshandSerena - 3
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