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Love Knows No Colour

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"Okay Melanie whatever changing topics now I don't want to talk about it."


"Yes you just won't admit it... Hell even Serenity knows you're the only one."

"Melanie I swear I don't like him anyways back to the point he's not talking to me."

"I wouldn't talk to you either if you basically told me I have no chance of going out with you because of the colour of my skin.... And that boy happens to be fine. I would not mind going on a date with his sexy ass." She says as she looks at him.
Have you ever been that person who was so sure of everything in her life and then suddenly everything just gets messed up and you're now dealing with problems that you never even wanted to deal with? Because I have and it sucks.
My name is Tatianna and this is the tale of how one simple white boy comes and messes with the beautiful balance of my mediocre life. But he sort of kind of made my life a bit better in many ways....
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