Read Stories Lonely Like A Bunny 1 (Wangxian) - TeenFic.Net




Lonely Like A Bunny 1 (Wangxian)

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A story about Lan Zhan and Wei Ying and rabbits...

Wuxian and Wangji finally meet again at the Cloud Recesses after a few years. During Wei Ying's stay they stumble upon the Cold Pond Cave and the dozen of rabbits that were hiding there. Following the strict rules of the Lan Clan it is not possible to keep them there so they must be driven out of the Cloud Recesses. Upon seeing this both Wangji and Wuxian are distressed by the future of the little rabbits, but Wangji can't defy the rules so he is unable to do anything for them.

Thus, Wei Ying takes it upon himself to save the rabbits and steals them from the Cloud Recesses. But he won't stop there, his mind is also set on stealing the very own second Jade of the Lan Clan of Gusu and bringing him over to where the little rabbits await him. Will he be able to snatch away Wangji from the hands of Lan Qiren?

This work will be based mainly on the events of the TV drama

Part 1 of the the series Loneliness can Kill Bunnies which consists of two different parts: Lonely Like A Bunny 1 which is set in the same time as the original story and Lonely Like A Bunny 2 which is set on modern times.
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