Read Stories Life After Loss : The Universe Awaits - TeenFic.Net

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Life After Loss : The Universe Awaits

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What if the life you are living is not the life you were meant to live?

What if the universe had other plans for you?

What would you do?

How would you take the news?

Would you have the courage to accept a new life, a total rewrite of your future or would you fight to keep the life you know, afraid of the unknown?

This is the description for the first story, but there are more to come as Life After Loss becomes the next multi story book of "life-changing storylines" by Sabrynabrooklynne.

*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*
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