Life 2.0.  Vol III: One Last Collection Of Mostly Short Sweet Stories

Life 2.0. Vol III: One Last Collection Of Mostly Short Sweet Stories

1,116 23 5

Due to the popularity of the first two volumes, here is a third collection of short mostly sweet vignettes with a transgender theme. Just like Vols I and II, they are all one offs, meaning what you see is what you get and there won't likely be any sequels to any of them.If you like any of my other stories, you'll enjoy these as well.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…



1,655 78 9

A stolen ride, a displaced soul, a romance with a difference. She had a story to tell and Walter had a need to listen....…

Dreams, Secrets, and Transformations: Beyond the Enchanted Looking Glass

Dreams, Secrets, and Transformations: Beyond the Enchanted Looking Glass

5,899 272 32

This book contains several stories involving gender bending magical mirrors. Some of the stories exist in the same universe, with the same rules govering the mirror, others stand alone, with a completely unrelated mirror adventure.In one tale, the main character, Brad, moves in with his with his dad and accidentally discovers a mirror that allows him to see what life would be like as a girl, but how can he experience this discovery without getting caught and what will his dad think if he does finds out?In another, a man buys a mirror at an estate sale and later accidentally discovers its magical life-changing properties that only manifest when certain conditions are met.In yet another, 16 year old Roger's journey begins with the exciting discovery of a book, in an attic, that describes an ancient magical mirror with the ability to reflect a person's deepest desires. Enjoy 😉…

Unveiling the Truth: Abuse and the Journey to a Better Life

Unveiling the Truth: Abuse and the Journey to a Better Life

3,080 157 13

A story of a Phoenix rising out of the ashes. Lily is a young girl who is growing up without a father. He mother vowed to ensure she grew up in an environment free of the alcoholism, abuse and toxic masculinity of her father and his family after he beat her and left her for dead while she was pregnant with Lily. Now Lily's father is getting released from prison and her mother is afraid he will come looking for them. Up until now, Lily hasn't known anything about her father or why she was raised the way she was. Now her mom had to reveal the truth and Lily has to decide if she wants to meet him and how this will all affect her life going forward.Book cover ai created.…

Sister Envy: Three Generations In The Balance

Sister Envy: Three Generations In The Balance

7,440 244 25

A story that starts with an unhappy boy who is envious of his sister and begins to believe they his life would be so much better if he were more like her. This story follows him through his journey to become the girl he thinks he needs to be and then continues on through three generations.Book cover ai generated.…

Lies, Deceptions, And Misunderstandings

Lies, Deceptions, And Misunderstandings

46,248 1,042 47

Taylor and his adult older brother Craig, have lost both their parents at the hands of a drunk driver.Things aren't so wonderful between them because Taylor has issues at school that he deals with by telling lies. This time he's gone too far and caused Craig to have to attend a support group meeting.However, during the meeting Craig meets a girl he wants to get to know better and a situation arises that will allow just that, but it will require Taylor to do something he never dreamed of, deceive someone into believing he's a girl. How long will Craig be able to convince his brother to pretend to be the girl that Carissa mistakenly believes him to be and how will the lies, deceptions, and misunderstandings affect not only his life but also his brother and everyone around them? *This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

Life 2.0.  Vol II: Another Collection Of Mostly Short Sweet Stories

Life 2.0. Vol II: Another Collection Of Mostly Short Sweet Stories

6,691 100 12

The stories in this collection are short mostly sweet vignettes with a transgender theme. Just like Vol I, they are all one offs, meaning what you see is what you get and there won't likely be any sequels to any of them.If you like any of my other stories, you'll enjoy these as well.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

Life After Loss : The Universe Awaits

Life After Loss : The Universe Awaits

4,795 64 2

What if the life you are living is not the life you were meant to live? What if the universe had other plans for you? What would you do?How would you take the news? Would you have the courage to accept a new life, a total rewrite of your future or would you fight to keep the life you know, afraid of the unknown?This is the description for the first story, but there are more to come as Life After Loss becomes the next multi story book of "life-changing storylines" by Sabrynabrooklynne.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

Who Is Lucas Ryker O'Riley?

Who Is Lucas Ryker O'Riley?

133,047 4,893 77

This is the story of a child, born with both male and female genitalia, and raised as a boy for several practical reasons. As he grows into a young teen, keeping this secret from his brother and all of his friends, becomes increasingly difficult. Knowing that he has genitalia of both sexes, he struggles with lots of what if's and why's, and he wonders if this life as a male is what he wants or would he rather live as a girl. Add to his problems, the onset of puberty. Now a decision is needed before nature decides for him. Disclaimer and warning: Although this story starts out innocently as do most of our own life stories, as the story progresses, themes will shift along with the possibility of mild sexual descriptions. This serves as your only warning.…

Tales From Under the Maple Tree

Tales From Under the Maple Tree

11,586 217 18

A collection of longer transgender "short stories" focused on friendships, uniquely feminine experiences, with a healthy dose of the supernatural. A companion series to "Life 2.0", this book contains an independent collection of stories that didn't quite fit in that collection.If you find a story here that doesn't quite strike your fancy, don't give up on the whole collection. Move on to the next chapter. I guarantee you'll find at least one that you really love or your money back. "If you have ever read any of Sabrynabrooklynne's stories and you liked any part of it, I promise you will find this book enjoyable as well. She's the greatest writer of TG fiction on all of Wattpad." - - Laindzy*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's probably been stolen or is an early test version.*Not all tags apply to all stories.…



30,789 438 15

Ian hated the life that he'd been given. School, home, and everything in between was just unbearable. Then one day, he took a different path during that in between and discovered something that could change it all, but it was a gamble. Would it be worth the risk?*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

The Street Festival: How A Wallflower Became The Hero

The Street Festival: How A Wallflower Became The Hero

42,868 773 22

Marty, is a quiet, shy kid, a loner with no close friends. He's always felt like an odd, uncomfortable, awkward person with zero social skills. With no positive male role model in his life, he hasn't gained much insight into what it means to be a man. He doesn't know how to act manly and doesn't show interest in traditionally manly pursuits. As a result, he's picked on and made fun of at school, called a wimp, a weakling and worse. When you add to that his straight "A" status in all his classes and his reputation for preferring the company of sci-fi stories & movies and comics over other humans, you start to understand the other name they call him, "nerd." He doesn't see the perks of being a wallflower and doesn't want to continue going through life as one. When his mom lands a job in another city, he sees an opportunity to reinvent himself, become the cool jock, or someone else the people at his new school will respect, and want to get to know.But will it be easy to do and will it work out like he plans?*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

An Accident, A Decision, and Destiny (Revised)

An Accident, A Decision, and Destiny (Revised)

320,327 1,860 20

Young Carl sustains a terrible accident as a child. A life altering accident that will change the trajectory of his adult life. There are several directions his future could now go, none of which anyone would ever have wished on him at birth. Approaching adolescence, Carl is presented with with his first choice about his future and makes a momentous decision and discovers his Destiny.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

Life 2.0: mostly sweet short M2F TG stories

Life 2.0: mostly sweet short M2F TG stories

94,586 682 32

The 30+ stories in this collection are short mostly sweet vignettes with a transgender theme. While most are happy stories you can read in one sitting, there are several quite sad ones, as well. Some feel like true stories while others involve a magical transformation. They are all one offs, meaning what you see is what you get and there won't likely be any sequels to any of them.If you like any of my other stories, you'll enjoy these as well.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

torn hose: a mother's story

torn hose: a mother's story

403,450 2,313 35

Hi, my name is Lori, and I'm a thirty-six-year-old mother of two teenagers. I was married when they were both born, but unfortunately, ours has been a one parent household for the past eight years. My husband died and I haven't remarried. My oldest is Rachel, my seventeen-year-old daughter. The younger is my fifteen-year-old son Raymond . . .At one point I discovered Raymond had been sneaking around and trying on mine and my daughters clothes.This is my story of how I dealt with this.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

Daughter For A Day

Daughter For A Day

298,581 1,014 12

Leonard announces his intention to go to a costume party dressed as a girl and turns to his Mother for help. This was something she never imagined happening to her. This story is her account of that event. She agrees to help her son, but as the events unfold, she has to stop and ask herself, whose dream are they really fulfilling, his or hers?*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

sleep away at Camp Wiŋtke

sleep away at Camp Wiŋtke

51,078 266 5

When little boys get caught expressing an interest in their mothers and sisters clothes there has to be a lesson taught, or so Albert's parents believed. They wanted to get their son help, to help their son overcome this desire and never wanted put on a stich of female clothing ever again. After much research Albert's mom finds out about a unique summer camp and she convinces his dad to send him. Little does his parent know of little Albert's desires.Albert boards the bus for this camp, clueless to what kind of camp he's actually being sent to and completely unaware of the adventures that await him. Will he accept or reject the classes and lessons provided for him and what will become of him as a result of this camp experience? *This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

This OR That: discuss

This OR That: discuss

23,836 329 47

Given two choices or a scenario and two options, you get to choose which of the two would you prefer and why. Don't just answer, but explain your choice. When you answer, remember, these are your ONLY two choices. "It depends," isn't an answer. "actually I don't like either one, I'd prefer...," again, not an answer. "These choices are stupid," also not an answer. Just pick one and explain why. If everyone answers it like this, the results could lead to some interesting conversations.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

Losing Rene?

Losing Rene?

4,386 209 9

This book is written from the point of view of a father raising a child alone. It's an emotional journey through past life experiences and present life acceptances that takes place in one single scene with flashbacks that fill the reader in on how we got to that point. The following is an excerpt from one of the flashbacks:" Who is this woman and the kids in your drawing," I asked my son. He sat the crayon down and picked up another without looking up. "Those are mine from before." I raised my eyebrows. "From before when?" "From before I was born." Intrigued, I pulled out a chair and set down beside him as he continued to draw. "Rene, before you were born you were just a twinkle in the eyes of your mother and me." "I had a family back in a time before my life was cut short and I was born this time." "Well from the looks of your drawing, you sure had a beautiful wife." "That's not my wife," he informed me sternly. He began to color again, trading one color for another. I smiled and inwardly congratulated my late-wife Renee for passing on to our son such an imagination. I fought the urge to pepper Rene with questions, but once I had really thought about what he said, many of my assumptions about him up to that point were beginning to make some sense. That evening, long after Rene had gone to bed I fired up my laptop and began to research Past Life Experiences. I found that Rene's story was not all that uncommon, and there were countless thousands of children across the globe had insisting that they'd had a past life. Only, this was MY SON.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…

My Foster Mom Wants A Daughter -  Book 1 Of A Series

My Foster Mom Wants A Daughter - Book 1 Of A Series

353,774 4,786 15

Book One of a series - Orphaned on his 14th birthday, Angelo is a shy, sensitive boy who is teased and abused in the household of his aunt because of his lack of strong masculinity. He is placed with a foster mom who wanted a girl, but who soon finds out how special he is.*This story was written by Sabrynabrooklynne on Wattpad. If you aren't reading it there, it's been stolen. Please report the website. It's probably not the final version either.*…