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Liar, Liar (ON HOLD)

9 likes / 201 reads
Ranked #633 in Action- (1/29/18)
#642 in Action-(2/2/18)
"I trusted you! How could you?" I said while clenching my fists.
"Trust, it's something that can be broken, my friend." He said while placing a hand on my shoulder.
"So are you." I growled.
Then I balled my fists up until my knuckles turned white and aimed for his nose, he landed on the floor with blood dripping down his face while I had his blood on my hand.
"Idiot, you're going to regret that." He said weakly.
And at that his eyes shut and he passed out.
"See you later." I said with a smirk.
So I started to run as soon as I saw the flashing lights of police cars, I ran as fast as I could.
Then I saw a house not to far away and ran to the backyard since it looked deserted.
Once I reached the house I went to the back and jumped the gate but I heard some shuffling behind me.
So I turned around to see a girl with a baseball bat ready to swing at me, but she didn't.
"Who are you?" The girl with the bat asked me.
Then I smirked and said, "Agustin Esposito."
Oh all the things she was about to get into is unpredictable.
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