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Letters to Grayson

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Adeline has done pen pal years ago. Now she starts to do it again after a break up.

She knew what to expect. The same things. You email, send boxes. Talk.

Get to know each other.

She didn't know she would get to know him to well and end up falling in love with a military man.

The opposite type of men she's never dated.

Grayson has been in the military for years.

He just started to do pen pal. He thought Adeline would be just like his other pen pals he had.

He didn't expect her to turn his would upside down.

Nor did he think she would make him fall in love with her emails.

Without even knowing how each other look. No clue at all.


They just know each other's name and age.

So what happens when they fall in love?


Started- September 17, 2022
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