Leon x Male!Reader (Sword And Shield)

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Y/n L/n has became Galar's Fire Type Gym Leader after taking Kabu's place. Motostoke Gym is quite a great place although Y/n and their Pokémon can usually be found in Wyndon with a few friends. Y/n's team consists of their Pokémon partner Houndoom, Volcarona, Talonflame and Typhlosion. All Pokémon are quite strong. Y/n's best friend being the Galar champion Leon had its benefits of course, always being invited for multiple parties and or getting to go out with him more often than others was amazing. Although Y/n noticed Leon is beginning to act different and invite them out more often, Y/n enjoys spending time with him but doesn't he have anything else to do? When Chairman Rose decides to send out The Darkest Day to make Galar a "better" place what'll happen to the bond both Leon and Y/n share?
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