Read Stories Knight's Honor | KingBurr ✓ - TeenFic.Net




Knight's Honor | KingBurr ✓

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It all started with the day the King of Great Britain arrived in the town of Maryland in the Kingdom of America with his court.

The talk of a peace treaty was to take place in two days. And during that time, there is a feast, welcoming America's soon to be new allies. And the war that has roared between the two kingdoms, will be over after years of fighting.

It's not that simple for the Knights of America though. Especially for Sir Aaron Burr. He noticed a certain someone during the feast. A Prince. The heir to Britain's throne once his father dies. Prince George William Frederick the Third is what got Burr's mind scrambled. Prince George and Burr soon met each other in the safety of night. They got close. They were considered lovers if anyone saw but both denied it. Burr, would be sacrificing his title and could be stripped off his title and burned at the stake. Prince George on the other hand, would bring shame to his whole family. He won't become the King everyone expects him to be.

Burr has two choices. Continue seeing Prince George. Or forget anything that happened between them two. Should he sacrifice everything he has for a Prince he's just met. Or should he he honorable? And have the right mind everyone expects him to have.
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