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(Trigger Warning! There is one word in this chapter that King Frederick says, sorry about that)

George William Frederick's P.O.V.

I hated how cross Aaron looked ever since Father took me to ride with him with Washington and Aaron. Fuck, why did it have to be Aaron?! I hated how I ignored him just because my father told me to. I should've been more careful the night when he had a fever.

Here's the story:

I remember very vividly that I had tucked Aaron to sleep, changing the wet cloth on his forehead for probably the last time. I fed him supper and stayed with him till he fell asleep. He kept telling me to go back to my own chambers and rest since I've been taking care of Aaron all day. Though, I didn't really listen to him. It's my choice to stay or not. 

Anyway, getting off track. 

I gave him his medicine that Jefferson so kindly dropped off before he fell asleep. I sighed, standing up from where I sat and walked over to the edge of the bed where Aaron slept. I remember crouching down slightly and kissing his forehead. And apparently, someone had seen since I found myself literally being dragged by my cloak down the hall by Edward with Father beside him. He didn't say much to me, just small frustrated sighs and growls. 

Edward pushed me into a room- which seemed to be Father's since it was bigger than most- and locked the door behind us. 

"What the fuck what that, George?!" Edward yelled as Father stood by, his arms crossed and his face red with fury. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a small shaky breath. 

"First, you disappeared without a say. Then, you skipped all your duties for today- leaving them all to me to do by the way- and then- then Father and I see you kissing a knight's forehead! A male, mind you!" Edward took a hold of my shoulders, shaking me lightly- though I could feel the anger seeping through his fingertips. "George, what has gotten into you?!"

Edward was about to continue yelling when I didn't answer though Father had raised up a hand, silencing Edward and making him release my shoulders. He gave me a cold stare, huffing and crossing his arms. 

Father stepped in front of me, glaring me down with cold blue eyes. Though I was only shorter by a few inches, I still felt small and weak under Father's stare. I hung my head in shame. I knew getting close to Aaron like this was a bad fucking idea. Though I stayed by his side because I decided to let myself fall for him!

Father raised his hand, before his leather gloved hand met with my cheek with full force, a loud smack echoing across the room. I couldn't feel the pain yet, adrenaline numbing any pain that I felt at the moment. 

"You're no fit to be king!" Father spat, acid leaking from his words. I balled my fists, digging my nails into the palm of my hand. 

"What you're doing is illegal," Father snarled. "And you are the heir to the throne, the future king of Britain! You're expected to marry someone who benefits the kingdom! Not some low knight from another kingdom! Especially not a man." 

"He's not just some low knight," I mumbled to myself, hoping that Father didn't hear. Unfortunately, he did as he snapped his eyes towards me, his gaze colder than ever. 

"Did you just talk back to your king?" He snapped, grabbing my jaw and yanking me close to his face. "If you'd like, I could just cut you off from the family. Make Edward the king! Or even banish you from the kingdom," Father threatened me with a low voice. "I could humiliate you in front of Washington's whole kingdom right now and probably even ask him to banish you from the 12 other kingdoms. I'm sure he'll happily agree."

"Why don't you just kill me instead of going through all that trouble?" I muttered bitterly. 

"Being burned at the stake is too merciful for you, you faggot!" Father was yelling at this point, throwing me to the floor. 

"You're no son of mine. No brother of Edward or Augusta. You're no king to Britain. You're nothing unless you fix this. Stop talking to that knight or else I'll kill you both," Father hissed before exiting the room with Edward close behind. 

And these are the consequences. I'll have to ignore Aaron. And when I do encounter him, I'll have to speak to him with a bitter tone. The worst thing about it is, Edward's always around me. 

I was waiting outside Madison's chambers with Edward by my side. Though I hated how he let out huffs of impatience, I appreciated his company. I started tapping my fingers on the wall, eventually getting Edward annoyed. 

"Calm down, will you?" Edward uncrossed his arms and gave me a sideways glance. 

"How can I calm down Edward?!" I raised my voice far more than I intended to. "A good friend of mine just got stabbed by a sword."

Edward scoffed with a smile. "Good friend," He muttered.

I rolled my eyes at him but jumped when Madison opened the door. He glanced at me, his eyes widening. 

"Oh! Your Highness!" he exclaimed. "I didn't expect you to be here."

"How is he?" I asked. Madison gave me a soft look. 

"Well, he's doing well. I cleaned up the wound as best as I can. Luckily, it's not infected." Madison started. "He'll need to rest for a while. He won't be able to you know... Do his knightly duties for quite some time."

"I see..." I frowned slightly. Madison played with his fingertips and took a step closer. 

"Would you like to see him?" Madison asked quietly. 

"I would love to, but my brother's right there," I muttered back, giving Edward a sideways glance. Madison nodded his head, biting his bottom lip.

"Oh for goodness sake!" Edward groaned. Madison and I turned to him, with confused looks. 

"George, I pity you. Just go visit him. I won't tell Father," Edward rolled his eyes, crossing his arms once again.

"I owe you, Edward!" I smiled at him, striding into the room, closing the door after. I saw Aaron laying on one of the spare beds on the other side of the room. 

His clothed back was turned to me, him facing the wall. There was dried blood on his shirt. 

I stepped closer to him, untying my cloak and placing it on one of the chairs. I heard a cough coming from Aaron. 

So, he's awake?

"Aaron, you're awake aren't you?" I asked him. I didn't get a reply, just a small scoff. 

"Okay, you are awake," I let out a small laugh. I dragged a chair next to Aaron's bed and took a seat. I tapped my foot nervously on the floor, clearing my throat.

"I know I have been... crude... ignorant... and probably offensive," I started. Aaron scoffed quietly. 

"But, Aaron, please believe me when I tell you that I'm sorry," I muttered. "Father told me not to talk to you or else he'll kill us both."

Aaron gave me a small sigh but didn't turn around. 

"Go away, your highness," Aaron sneered. "I need rest and I won't be able to rest with you around." 

"Aaron, I'm sorry," I muttered again. Aaron suddenly sat up, before groaning in pain. I flinched as he carefully laid back down, letting out small grunts. 

"Careful," I mumbled to him, dragging my chair closer. I reached out to place a hand on his shoulder but he had grabbed my hand. 

"Don't touch me," He growled lowly. I let out a small sigh before he let my hand go. I pulled back hesitantly. I felt so bad for making Aaron feel so unworthy and terrible. God, I'm so awful. 

I sat there in a tense silence between us. Aaron's back was still facing me and as I started to pick at my hands. 

"So...." I started. "You feeling any better?"

"I don't know, you tell me, George!" He snapped. "I've been just stabbed in the fucking leg with a sword and taken as a hostage and beaten!" He hissed in pain. I'm guessing he applied pressure on his leg, considering how he lifted his leg a little. He groaned, carefully setting his leg back on the bed. "I'm just peachy."

"Look, I know you're pissed but-"

"No shit, I'm pissed."

"As I was saying," I cleared my throat. "How about you just hear my side of the story?" I asked. 

"Do whatever you want, it's probably bullshit anyway," I heard Aaron mumble. 

"If you don't believe me, fine, but I'm not making any of this up," I took in a small breath. "Remember when I took care of you a few days ago? Well, when you fell asleep, Edward and Father saw me- and- and I should've been more careful but they saw me with you and Father threatened to kill both of us if I didn't stop talking to you. That's why Edward's always around me and I can't risk it again or else you'll be killed."

There was some silence before the door creaked open behind us, causing me to turn around. Madison walked in with a spare blanket and some empty glass containers.

"Oh!" He smiled sheepishly. "Don't mind me," I sighed softly before Madison turned to us. 

"Burr? Does it still hurt?" Madison asked. 

"Yes," Aaron answered simply. Madison walked over and rolled up Aaron's pant leg just above the wound, examining the bandages wrapping around Aaron's leg. 

"Oh shoot," Madison mumbled. He ran to the table before handing me some clean bandages. 

"Can you replace Burr's bandages? I need to make more medicine for him," Madison said. I nodded as he thanked me quietly and walked over to his table. 

"I'll need you to lay on your back if you want those bandages replaced," I mumbled with a melancholy tone. Aaron reluctantly turned, laying on his back though still looking at the wall. I noticed purple marks on his face accompanied by small cuts. 

I glanced down at his left leg which was soaked in blood. I carefully cut the bandages, pulling them off. Aaron bit his lip, gasping and taking in sharp intakes of air when I started to clean the stitched wound with a warm wet cloth. 

"Are you doing well?" I asked quietly. Aaron nodded quickly in response. I replaced the bandages and tied it.

"There, all done," I smiled at him. He rolled his eyes in return, crossing his arms over his chest. There was a small knock on the door before Edward peaked in, a small frown on his face.

"Hey, George? Are you almost done?" He asked impatiently.

"I'll be out in a minute, don't worry," I waved him off, him nodding in response and shutting the door.

I turned back to Aaron who seemed to be glancing at me considering how he quickly looked the other way when I turned my head.

"Well..." I started. "I'll have to leave. I guess I'll see you soon," I gave him a small smile before standing. I grabbed my cloak before walking out the door.

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