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How Markytics is Shaping India's AI Landscape

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Markytics is a leading AI company based in India, specializing in delivering advanced AI solutions tailored to the unique needs of businesses across various industries. With a team of skilled data scientists, engineers, and AI experts, Markytics is committed to harnessing the potential of AI to drive tangible results for its clients.
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Solarballs Oneshots || 🚀‼️

Solarballs Oneshots || 🚀‼️

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-Hello fellow Solarballs fan! This book is about oneshots, scenarios, headcanons, and even some art that is centered around the Solarballs fandom! This isn't a full fledged book, rather one of those oneshots books you see around.1/29/2024…

The Story Of Two Beautiful Girls

The Story Of Two Beautiful Girls

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kisah dua gadis cantik yang bersahabat... mereka sangat popular bukan cuma memiliki wajah yang cantik dan manis tapi mereka juga sangat baik dan sangat suka membantu orang yang susah..perjalanan dua gadis cantik itu bermula apabila kedatangan 4 jejaka dalam hidup mereka antara keempat jejaka itu siapa yang akan menjadi milik si dua gadis cantik itu... siapa gelaran bertuah itu..kita nanti kan cerita ni…

Zwei gebrochene Seelen

Zwei gebrochene Seelen

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Hey Leute,In dieser Fanfiction geht es um Tara und um Rafe. Rose ( Rafe's Stiefmutter) hat eine Beste Freundin (Flora) die in den Statten mit ihrer Adoptiv Tochter Tara lebt.Zwei verlorene und gebrochene Herzen finden vielleicht zu einander?Bitte habt etwas Nachsicht mit mir das ist meine erste Story also hinterlässt mir auch bitte Feedback.Diese Story passiert nach der 3 Staffel. Achtung Spoilers!Die Charaktere (außer Tara& Flora) Rechte gehören der Netflix Serie Outer Banks.…

The past is the past - William x Henry

The past is the past - William x Henry

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Warnings will be added at the start of every chapter. Please keep that in mind. I apologize if I forget to add any warnings, please tell me if I do forget. There will be A LOT of mistakes! I will(when I get the time) go back and edit, so please dont make fun of me(jk you can if you want lol)I will NOT put this warning in chapters because of my personality(I don't realize I put it in sometimes, and I know that I will forget to put it in) the warning is uncensored swears. It's not a big one, I know, but some people don't feel comfortable looking at swears sometimes. This is a clean book btw. I'll see if I need to put it on to mature- please tell me if you feel like I should. I don't want to make you guys uncomfortable.…



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أفكار من القلب تصطدم بالواقع...Heartfelt thoughts that clashes with reality...…

办【加州州立理工大学波莫纳分校毕业证】Q微:1825214279造假Cal Poly Pomona本科学位证书美国加州州立理工大学波莫纳分校大学文凭证书

办【加州州立理工大学波莫纳分校毕业证】Q微:1825214279造假Cal Poly Pomona本科学位证书美国加州州立理工大学波莫纳分校大学文凭证书

0 0 1

办【加州州立理工大学波莫纳分校毕业证成绩单】Q微:1825214279造假Cal Poly Pomona本科学位证书PS成绩单购买硕士假文凭美国加州州立理工大学波莫纳分校大学文凭证书微信:1825214279办理国外学历制作国外文凭【微信1825214279】学历毕业证制作办理国外毕业证成绩单制作毕业证学历成绩单制作实体公司诚信办理《毕业证》【加微信1825214279】|美国大学文凭证书学历|毕业证成绩单代办|制办理真实认证、留信认证、使馆公证、购买成绩单,微信:1825214279购买假文凭,购买假学位证,制造假国外大学文凭、毕业公证、毕业证明书、录取通知书、Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、假文凭、假毕业证、请假条、国际驾照、网上存档可查!★本公司一直专注于为英国、加拿大、美国、新西兰、澳洲、法国、德国、爱尔兰、意大利等国家各高校留学生办理留信网学历学位认证和留学回国人员证明,在认证业务上开创了良好的市场势头,一直占据了的地位,成为无数留学回国人员办理学历学位认证的。公司主要业务涉及微信:1825214279:国(境)外学历学位认证咨询,微信:1825214279留学归国人员证明办理咨询。基于国内鼓励留学生回国就业、创业的政策,以及大批留学生归国立业之大优势。本公司一直朝着智力密集型的方向转型,建立了一个专业化的由归国留学生组成的专业顾问团队为中心,公司核心部分包括:咨询服务部门、营销部门、运作部、顾问团队共同协作的服务体系。★业务选择办理准则★微信:1825214279一整套留学文凭证件服务:【Q微1825214279】一:毕业证 #成绩单等全套材料,从防伪到印刷,水印底纹到钢印烫金,二:真实使馆认证(留学人员回国证明),使馆存档【Q微1825214279】三:真…

"When my tutor teach me how to love" | nr |

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Nishimura riki a kid who always pull pranks on his tutor leaving them no choice but to resign but what if one day he finally found his "katapat"…

To Truly Love and to be Loved

To Truly Love and to be Loved

0 1 1

The contrasting emotions of loving and being loved.This is purely self-indulgent and was born from a shower thought and also Gojo's "Love is the most twisted curse of all" dialogue, so don't look too deep into this.…



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学历认证报告是什么☀️《如何购买韦恩州立大学毕业证认证》《WSU学位证书样板》【办证微信Q:741003700】韦恩州立大学WSU硕士文凭证书开除成绩单GPA修改、#办理韦恩州立大学证书#国外假文凭学历#办理毕业证成绩单文凭,修改成绩,伪造假毕业证,制作假成绩单,仿造假文凭学历,购买假学历文凭,制做毕业证文凭,仿冒文凭毕业证,代办韦恩州立大学毕业证认证,留服认证,使馆认证,使馆公证,使馆证明,使馆留学回国人员证明,留学生认证,学历认证,文凭认证,学位认证,留学生学历认证,韦恩州立大学留学生学位认证,使馆认证(留学回国人员证明),学生卡(证),成绩单,在读证明,快速办理录取通知书offer、驾照等。我们对海外大学及学院的韦恩州立大学WSU毕业证成绩单所使用的材料,尺寸大小,防伪结构(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)都有原版本文凭对照。质量得到了广大海外客户群体的认可,同时和海外学校留学中介,同时能做到与时俱进,及时掌握各大院校的(韦恩州立大学毕业证,成绩单,资格证,学生卡,结业证,韦恩州立大学录取通知书,在读证明等相关材料)的版本更新信息,能够在第一时间掌握最新的海外韦恩州立大学学历文凭的样版,尺寸大小,纸张材质,防伪技术等等,并在第一时间收集到原版 实物,以求达到客户的需求。美国韦恩州立大学毕业证书制作【Q微/741003700】专业VIP服务《韦恩州立大学毕业证办理》《WSU成绩单提高GPA修改》【Q微/741003700】做WSU毕业证文凭韦恩州立大学本科毕业证书美国学历认证原版《韦恩州立大学成绩单、韦恩州立大学学历证明、回国人员证明》【一整…

"You're my dream girl..."

4 0 2

Daemon is Estella's biggest enemy, ever since they were little. Now there both high school seniors going into college. Over the years, he has decided he doesn't hate her, he loves her. After they end up in the same dorm room during a school trip, it just makes him fall harder. Estella Rose is the cheer captain at Stonewall highschool, and her biggest enemy is the captain of the hockey team, Daemon Reid. After all those years of hating him, she thought she'd hate him forever, yet that all changed after she had him as her dorm mate on a school trip. "Do...Do I love Daemon!?"…