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His Undesirable Wife

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The early 17th century England- a time when women were treated as mere commodities for their families and burdened with unreasonable expectations of beauty and mannerisms.
In such a world, Lord Bradford raises his daughter, a girl of Indian descent named Saya, with all the love and care.
He wishes only to see her settled with an eligible husband; one who would be able to see past the society's prejudice and love her for the kind woman that she is.

Lord Zachary Hayworth, a courageous Knight and a man of high social standing, is displeased with the prospect of marriage with Lady Saya Bradford.
She has nothing of what he had desired in a wife. Her swarthy complexion and plump body, is highly unbecoming of a Noble woman. The fact that she wasn't even a Noble by birth irked him to no end.
But he is stuck with her by the decree of the King.

When Saya finds herself married to the wonderful Lord Hayworth, she feels optimistic about the future ahead- a future that she intends to share with him.
However, Lord Hayworth wastes no time in making his displeasure known.
Her world is left asunder when the reality of her situation- as his undesirable wife, sinks in...

[The sequel 'His Redemption, Her Legacy' has been completed]
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