Read Stories Heptagonal Ring (Eeveelutions) {Pokemon} - TeenFic.Net




Heptagonal Ring (Eeveelutions) {Pokemon}

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In the middle of a faraway desert lies a peculiar metropolis inhabited only by pokémon, an almost utopic paradise with a bit of an unseemly obsession with number seven. If you'd kindly lend an ear, this humble troubadour will tell you a tale from its past, about eight eeveelutions and how their paths would cross when their region faced a crisis unlike any other.


We at Pokefic_Collections are dedicated to bringing remarkable, inspiring Pokemon fanfics onto Wattpad. This story was originally published by EntropyWing on FFNet. We are not the authors. More details are highlighted in the first chapter to clear up any confusion. Thank you.

[Cover artwork created and owned by "cysketches" on Tumblr]
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