Read Stories Happy Journey! - TeenFic.Net

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Happy Journey!

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"I was too busy focusing on the snow, that I forgot about the greenery that blooms afterwards."

"Happy Journey!" She wished with a smile, holding back the lump in her throat.

"Thank you! I'll call you later, Mahi," he replied, running towards the train.


Her engagement cancelled, Mahi has no idea about what's happening in her life. Meeting her soon to be an ex-fiancée, the night before the engagement was the last thing on her mind.

Running away from home was always on Krish's bucket list.

A trip is something to remember until tables turn upside-down. Forced on a trip along with his best friend Rukmini, Vikrant had no choice to but to go. A crazy and hilarious drama is what we all love to watch, of course crying our eyes out too. But how fun would it be if clichés along with cluelessness play with the lives of four people?

What if they meet unexpectedly? The ride would be goofy, funny and hysterical. Would butterflies flutter in their stomachs or fly away just as unknowns?

Started- 10/7/21
Finished -

Updates on -Saturdays (if possible Sundays too)

Dedicated to all the amazing people I met here!

Banner credits : @dabVreha, thank you so much for the awesome banner!!!
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