Read Stories Ghost Loona and Octavia Adventures of Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends - TeenFic.Net




Ghost Loona and Octavia Adventures of Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends

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When Penn and Lincoln Met Ghost and Loona and Octavia and the Gang They all Want To Have Fun and There Doing There Mission Weeks Later They Met Mac and Bloo And His Brother Terence He Bullied Them Up But Then Ghost Loona Octavia and Friends Beat Up Terrence With a Pot They Save Their Friends and Cheer Them But Then Their Moms Arrived
Ghost and Friends Made Their Mess Terrence Tell His Mom and Vonnie Zero They Made Them Mess But Then Lincoln and Penn's Mom Asked Them They Don't Need Them Anymore But Ghost Almost Crying Hours Later Their Watching T.V. And Changing but wait Their Watching Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends They Would Like to go to Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends
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