Episode 1 House of Bloos Part 1

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[Mac Luna Lucy Penn Lincoln and Lana slowly rises behind the kitchen counter, followed by Bloo, who also rises slowly. They both look around simultaneously, when suddenly, a black figure of Terrence--Mac's older brother--slowly rises behind them, followed by an ominous electric guitar riff and an evil smile on the figure.]



TERRENCE: Wait, stop! I just wanna punch you!

BLOO: Watch you back, guys! He's Gaining on--


TERRENCE: [punches the wall with his fist] Oooooh, I'm telling Mom!

BLOO: [runs around the couch with Mac while starting his sentence]  Guys?


BLOO: Terrence...

MAC: Yeah?

BLOO: Is a...

LINCOLN: Uh-huh?

BLOO: Big...

PENN: Right?

BLOO: Fat...

LUNA: Yeah?

BLOO: Doofus.

LINCOLN, LUNA, LUCY, LANA, PENN, AND MAC: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

TERRENCE: Shut up, you...

BLOO: Yeah?


BLOO: Come on!

TERRENCE: You... Bloofus! Heh ha heh ha!

BLOO: [stops running for what he heard] Bloofus?! Bloofus?

MAC: His name is Blooregard Q. Kazoo, and you know it, Terrence!

BLOO: Right, right, or Blooey, Bloo the Blue Dude, El Blooderino, or hey, how 'bout just Bloo? Heh! But come on, man, Bloofus? Heh! How stupid can you get?

TERRENCE: Look! No stupid imaginary friend of my stupid little brother or their stupid little boy friend or their 2 stupid little girlfriends or stupid 2 teenage girl and boyfriends is gonna tell me how stupid I am 'cause I know just how stupid I--

[Bloo, Lincoln, Penn, Lucy, Luna, Lana and Mac look like they're about to break out laughing at Terrence calling himself stupid]

TERRENCE: SHUT UP!!! [jumps over the couch and tries to grab them all with his hands]

TERRENCE: Stupid, heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well, well, well. Lookee what I got here. It's 3 Mr. Destructos, 3 Mrs. Destrucos and their evil pal Breaky. Ha ha ha! Mom is gonna be so mad when she sees what you seven have done.

LANA: We haven't done anything.

TERRENCE: Oh, no? [holds Bloo to break the lamp] Breaky, how could you? No, Mr. Destructo! Don't do it! [holds Mac to knock CDs off the shelf]

MAC: Stop it, Terrence!

TERRENCE: But I'm not doing anything. It's... 3 Mr. Destructos, 3 Mrs. Destrucos and Breaky. They've gone crazy! [Continues laughing while he holds Bloo, Lincoln, Penn, Lana, Luna, Lucy and Mac to break things and spins them around. Bloo sees a vase on the top shelf, he joins in the laughter.]

GHOST: Stop Right Their [Steps on a Floor] Drop My Friends Right Now And Surrender.

TERRENCE: Well Well Well Looky What We Have Here Another Mr. and Mrs. Destructos Ooooh I'm Scared?

GHOST: If You Mess With Our Friends You Mess With Us.

THE NARRATOR: Ghost Stares At His Older Brother We Challenge Him to a Duo!

PICANTE BALLS: That's Bad At The Album Bleachers You Know Flashback You Wan't It Again Huh.

PAPERS: You Will Parish and Surrender Bully Boy Cause I I Gonna Stab On You Right Now

TERRENCE: Oooooh And What are you Gonna Do About it Freaks Kill Me [laughing]

KINGDOM: No But This Does [throws the vase at Terrence's head] ... See your Right Bloo Terrence is a big, fat doofus.


THE NARRATOR: They Maybe Won out of 3 to 3 But Then Something Bad is Happening

[Mac, Mo Slo, BoomBox, Fang, Kingdom, Aqua Agua, Big, Human Tongue, Picante Balls, Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter, Boobie Face, Ghost, Flashback, Papers, Loona, Octavia, Lucy, Luna, Lana, Lincoln, Penn and Bloo continue laughing and dancing around, but then the front door opens to reveal the shadow of Mac and Terrence's mother and Vonnie Zero with grocery bags. They looked at the broken furniture in the house.]

MAC'S MOTHER: [mad] Mac! Bloo!

VONNIE ZERO: Lincoln! Lana! Lucy! Luna! Penn! What's Going on here

MAC: Mom, Mrs Zero, it's not what you --

LINCOLN: Yeah, Terrence! He was the one--

TERRENCE: [pretending to whine] Mommy, Mommy! Mac, Lincoln, Penn, Lucy, Luna, Lana Mo Slo, BoomBox, Fang, Kingdom, Aqua Agua, Big, Human Tongue, Picante Balls, Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter, Boobie Face, Ghost, Flashback, The Narrator, Papers, Loona, Octavia and Bloo were all MEAN TO ME!!!! [grabs his mother's waist] I was being a good boy looking after my sweet, little brother when all of a sudden his crazy, imaginary friend Bloo and his crazy friends, and All of those freaks are all monsters Lincoln, Penn, Lucy, Luna, Lana Mo Slo, BoomBox, Fang, Kingdom, Aqua Agua, Big, Human Tongue, Picante Balls, Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter, Boobie Face, Ghost, Flashback, The Narrator Papers Loona and Octavia went insane and started to tear the house apart. I tried to stop him but when Mac joined in they started beating on me. If it wasn't for you and Ms. Zero coming home there's no telling what they would have done to me! Oh, thank you for saving me, Mommy!

MAC: What?!

LINCOLN: That's a lie!

PENN: Yeah We're indassent

LUNA: Dudes We Didn't Do Anything

BLOO: That is so not what happened! Terrence --

MAC's MOTHER: [interrupts Bloo's sentence] -- Is the oldest and is in charge of this house when I am not at home ...


MAC'S MOTHER: ... And I expect him to act like the oldest and set a good example by telling the truth.


TERRENCE: But, Mommy, I was telling the --

VONNIE ZERO: Terrence, you expect your mother and I to believe that a 13-year-old boy was overpowered by an 7-year-old 8-year-old 9-year-old 12-year-old 14-year-old 16-year-old and Mac's cute little imaginary friend?

BLOO: Yeah. Mac Lincoln Lucy Lana Luna and Penn are wimps.

LINCOLN: And Bloo's spineless.

[Bloo wiggles his body.]

TERRENCE: But Mom...

MAC'S MOTHER: [sighs] Terrence, I've had a long day, and I'm too tired to deal with your made-up sob stories. Just go to your room.

VONNIE ZERO: Come on, Kids! and You Too Supe Kids! We're Going home now!

LINCOLN: Oh, okay. See ya, guys!

(Lincoln Luna Lucy Lana Penn Mo-Slo Boombox Fang Kingdom Aqua Agua Big Human Tongue Picante Balls Ranch Dressing Cum Squiter Boobie Face Ghost Flashback The Narrator Papers Loona and Octavia Leaves with their Mother back to Middleburg House)

[Terrence storms off to his room; Mac and Bloo laugh, say "mama", tease and make faces at him.]

MAC'S MOTHER: [off-screen] Mac, Bloo, that's enough.

MAC: But ...

BLOO: Terrence --

MAC'S MOTHER: [interrupts Bloo's sentence again] -- Is not the only one at fault here. I'm fed up with the three of you and Lincoln Lucy Luna Lana Penn Mo-Slo Boombox Fang Kingdom Aqua Agua Big Human Tongue Picante Balls Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter Boobie Face Ghost Flashback The Narrator Papers Loona and Octavia always fighting. We need to talk.

BLOO: Okay, sure. Come on, Mac.

MAC'S MOTHER: No, Bloo. I need to talk to Mac alone.

[Mac looks guilty.]

BLOO: It's okay, Mac, I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere.

[Mac enters his room with his mother. Bloo stands nearby with a sad expression.]

MAC'S MOTHER: Mac, now you know how tired I am of you three and Lincoln Lucy Luna Lana Penn Mo-Slo Boombox Fang Kingdom Aqua Agua Big Human Tongue Picante Balls Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter Boobie Face Ghost Flashback The Narrator Papers Loona and Octavia fighting.

MAC: But it was Terrence. He always picks on me and Them and treats us like babies.

MAC'S MOTHER: And why do you think he does that?

MAC: 'Cause he's a jerk?

MAC'S MOTHER: Well, yes, but can you think of any other reasons?

MAC: Uhh....

MAC'S MOTHER: Maybe because of Bloo?

MAC: Bloo? Why?

MAC'S MOTHER: Because, Mac, you're 8 years old and you still have your imaginary friend.

MAC: So what? Lots of kids like Lucy Luna Lincoln Lana and Penn have imaginary friends. You see them every day on the streets or in the stores. You even had one when you were little.

MAC'S MOTHER: Yes, when I was little, but by the time that I was your age, I didn't need my imaginary friend anymore.

MAC: What are you saying?

[Bloo overhears the conversation from outside the door.]

MAC'S MOTHER: I think it's time you got rid of Bloo.

MAC: What?!

MAC'S MOTHER: I'm sorry, Mac, I just think it's time. You need to grow up and be a big boy, and say goodbye to Bloo.

MAC: But, Mom, it's not fair! We're best friends. we'll be good. I-I-I'll keep him locked in my room. Mom, PLEASE!

MAC'S MOTHER: Mac, no! Stop it! This isn't about you're being good or keeping Bloo locked up. The fact is, you're a big boy now; and you're too old for him.

MAC: But--

MAC'S MOTHER: My decision is final: you have got to get rid of Bloo. I'm sorry, Mac. [opens the door and leaves as a shocked Bloo falls onto the floor] Oh, sorry, Bloo.

TERRENCE: [shoots a spitball at Bloo's eye and laughs evilly] Hasta la bye-bye.


(Lincoln Luna Lana Lucy Penn Mo-Slo BoomBox Fang Kingdom Aqua Agua Big Human Tongue Picante Balls Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter Boobie Face Ghost Flashback The Narrator Papers Loona Octavia and their mother went into their middleburg house, when unexpected, a Brock Zero Hug at Vonnie Zero and Kiss Her)

Brock Zero: Hey Vonnie How Long Have You Been

Vonnie Zero: You Me And Our Children Upstairs In Their Room 10 Seconds Meet Me at Penn's Room Okay 

Brock Zero: Okay

Vonnie Zero: Kids Come With Us

Lincoln (Sigh) Okay

[Lincoln Luna Lana Lucy and Penn goes in her room with their mother. Ghost and Friends stands there and changes their face to a sad look.]

Picante Balls: Oh this Ought to be Good

(Luna Lucy Lana Lincoln and Penn sat on her bunk bed with their mother)

Vonnie Zero: Listen You're Dad and I Had a Decision I think it's time you get rid of Mo-Slo, BoomBox, Fang, Kingdom, Aqua Agua, Big, Human Tongue, Picante Balls, Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter, Boobie Face, Ghost, Flashback, Papers, Loona and Octavia.

Penn Lincoln Luna Lana Lucy: What?!

Luna: Thats Insane Their Our Friends Their Super Heroes and Demons What Could Happened

[Ghost and Her Friends are all hearing the conversation outside the door.]

Vonnie Zero: Sorry Guys, I just think it's time. You all need to grow up and be a big kids and say goodbye to them. I just feel like you're all outgrowing them.

Lana: But, Mom, It's not fair. We're best friends. Ghost and Friends are like Friends to us. Loona is like another friend and Octavia is like...another other friend. Mom, PLEASE! Have you and You're Husbend ever felt you both don't wan t to get rid of your imaginary friends?

Vonnie Zero: Yes, I do, Sweety. Because by the time that I was your age, I felt like You're Dad and I didn't need Our imaginary friends anymore. But the fact is, you're a big kids now, and I feel like you're too old for them.

Penn, Lincoln, Luna, Lana and Lucy: But--

Vonnie Zero: I'm sorry, Guys but my decision is final, you guys have got to get rid of them. I'm sorry. [opens the door and leaves as a shocked Ghost and Friends falls on the floor] Oh, sorry guys.

Ghost: That's Okay

(Penn puts his hand on Ghost's Shoulder)

Penn: I'm Sorry Guys Will Get Rid of You

Ghost: Yeah I Know So (Ghost Shed Her Tears)

*Back in Penn Lincoln Lucy Lana and Luna's Room*

(Luna Lucy Lincoln Penn and Lana was still on their bed, laying down. They Feels sad that they has to get rid of their imaginary friends. They has Known them forever since they were 4. But now that they knows that they can't they with anymore, they has to get rid of them. They then looks at a single of Mac. They known Mac since they were 2. they met Max when Mac was 3. The same age he created Bloo.)

Lincoln: Oh, Mac. Can't you believe it? Our Mom wants to get rid of Mo-Slo, Boombox, Fang, Kingdom, Aqua Agua, Big, Human Tongue, Picante Balls, Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter, Boobie Face, Ghost, Flashback, The Narrator, Papers, Loona and Octavia. What would life be without them?

(Soon, Lincoln decide to give Mac a call. He went to his telephone and dialed the number to call Mac. The phone rings and soon, Mac answers.)

Mac: Hello?

Lincoln: Hey, Mac.

Mac: Hey, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Mac, You're not going to believe this. So basically, Our Mom wants to give up my imaginary friends. Can you believe it? And They also thinks We're too old to have Mo-Slo, Boombox, Fang, Kingdom, Aqua Agua, Big, Human Tongue, Picante Balls, Ranch Dressing Cum Squirter, Boobie Face, Ghost, Flashback, The Narrator, Papers, Loona and Octavia which is not true.

Mac: Well, if it makes you feel better, my mom told me the same thing. She wants to get rid of Bloo. Because she said I was too old for him. 

Lincoln: I think it might be terrible to get rid of our imaginary friends, huh?

Mac: It will.

Lincoln: Alright, see you tomorrow. Bye.

Mac: Bye.

(Lincoln hangs up and sits on her bed)

Lincoln: We'll see what happens tomorrow.

*Meanwhile in Mac's Apartment*

[Different TV channels are being switched through.]

MODERATOR: Sorry, you have to go.

[The channel switches.]

BOY: Go on, boy, get outta here!

[Channel switches again.]

SALESMAN: And just like that, it's gone!

[Channel switch.]

SPEAKER: Featuring such Blues classics as "Feelin' Blue", "Gettin' rid of the Blues" and "No one wants the Blues".

[The scene switches to Bloo who's been swapping the channels.]

[Bloo switches channels to stop at a sitcom.]

WOMAN: Are you alone?

[Bloo switches channels faster until it reaches a documentary.]

NARRATOR: The Grand Canyon, spectacular, beautiful and mystifying. And one of the deepest, deepest, deepest depressions the world has ever known.

[Bloo switches channels again, hears "Imaginary Friends" and switches back to that channel.]

FRANKIE: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is a wonderful, funderful imagination habitation. We provide food, shelter and a warm heart for imaginary friends, looking for a place to call home. So if you know of or have an imaginary friend that desperately needs a home, then come down to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, where good ideas are not forgotten.

*Back In Penn's House*

MODERATOR: Sorry, you have to go.

[The channel switches.]

BOY: Go on, boy, get outta here!

[Channel switches again.]

SALESMAN: And just like that, it's gone!

[Channel switch.]

SPEAKER: Featuring such Blues classics as "Feelin' Blue", "Gettin' rid of the Supers" and "No one wants the Demons".

[The scene switches to Picante Balls who's been swapping the channels.]

[Picante Balls switches channels to stop at a sitcom.]

WOMAN: Are you alone?

[Picante Balls switches channels faster until it reaches a documentary.]

NARRATOR: The Grand Canyon, spectacular, beautiful and mystifying. And one of the deepest, deepest, deepest depressions the world has ever known.

[Picante Balls switches channels again, hears "Imaginary Friends" and switches back to that channel.]

FRANKIE: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is a wonderful, funderful imagination habitation.

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