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"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you." -Elbert Hubbard

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She was everything but fine.

Being bullied has become a part of Gwen Patton's life, and all she ever wanted was a friend. Especially when every aspect of her life is miserable. So when she meets geeky and socially awkward, Max Henderson at Louis' Diner she intends on keeping the rumors about her and her past under wraps. But you can only pretend that everything is fine for so long until everything has been unraveled, then there is nothing left to do but to admit that you aren't, in fact, fine.

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I squeeze his hand to let him know I'm fine and that what he said doesn't bother me. In fact I expected that from Pa and an earful when we see each other whether that be tonight or tomorrow. I know for a fact that Pa will not forgive me for ruining what little percent he thought he had at moving forward in his career.

As we walk back to his house I murmur, "You look better without your hair covering up your beautiful eyes."

He looks at me surprised. "Really?" he questions incredulously.

I nod. "Why so surprised?"

"Because m-most people find m-my eye color a bit-t odd," he explains.

"Not me."

He stays silent for a minute digesting what I said before he murmurs into my ear, "And you look your b-best when no one is p-pushing you to dress a-as somebody you're n-not."
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