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Fighting Fire With Ice (COMPLETE)

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Highest Rankings: #3 in #citylife 31/01/2019. #17 in #nigerian 31/01/2019. BASED ON TRUE EVENTS. Desperate times dont always require desperate measures. Fighting fire with ice focuses on the lives of Abdulmaleek B Bashir and Abdulzahir Kamir, who were Kd's elite bachelors. Abdulzahir marries a new wife, Zainab just to spite the love of his life Fateema who refused to marry him. Unknown to him Fateema, who also happens to be their long time neighbor was molested and raped by his father. When the going gets ugly, Zainab is caught up in the middle of an Ugly family drama laced with betrayal, revenge and malice. Abdulmaleek on the other hand was a perfectionist, who dated Tahira Muhammad for a very long time only to use her and later on marry a half lebenease. War breaks on all fronts. Names, locations are fiction, The story has been fictionalized for dramatization purposes.
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