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"Pişt baksanıza bi."

"Ne var Yoongi! Ne istiyosun?"

"Sakin ol Seokjin sadce intikamımı alıcam"

"Yoongi cidden ne istiyosun?"

"Ne mi istiyorum Namjoon? Şu bana yaşattığınız cehennemi Jimin'e de yaşatmak. Bilmediği şeyleri öğretmek."
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Ex Boyfriend (On Going)

Ex Boyfriend (On Going)

1,603 234 6

Singto di jual oleh suaminya sendiri kepada pria lain hanya untuk menyelamatkan perusahaan suaminya dari ambang kebangkrutan. Harga diri singto benar-benar jatuh, apa lagi pria yang membelinya ternyata adalah mantan kekasihnya, singto di perlakukan bak jalang, dan seperti sampah yang tak diinginkan oleh siapapun.*Top Krist, bot Sing.…

last fireworks

last fireworks

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Leon, he is a brave and strong person, and cares about his friends. and that's where the title "lion" he got.Leon and his best friend Archie the Dog are preparing for their graduation party. where they both have the same goal of living on a distant island.…

Sealed in a Bottle

Sealed in a Bottle

19 0 84

Sealed in a Bottle is a collection of my poems from 2021-present. It is written in different genres and lengths. Some have titles and some don't. Some are well-written and some are not. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy reading!…

The devil's kiss

The devil's kiss

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Mafia story…

unfinished random stories

unfinished random stories

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this is a collection of some unfinished fanfics I have saved in my Google docs.…

Legend of Perseus 3: Curse of Atlas

Legend of Perseus 3: Curse of Atlas

7 2 3

Finally it was time to start my mission. I was given free reign to do whatever I wished and I decided that I was done waiting and it was time that I make sure my name will never be forgotten. My army is slowly growing and I will make sure that more will join. After so many years they have contacted me once more and they have given me my first two targets. The twins. Either I kill them or turn their loyalty to me... what to do.New monsters, new quests, new allies, and a fresh batch of idiots just waiting to be taught a lesson.This is the third story to my legend, the next chapter in the saga of the Legend of PerseusCredit for this story goes to a myriad of inspirations - from various shows and books to manwha and anime. It's all about giving credit where it's due.…

sweet nothing

sweet nothing

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"I find myself running home to your sweet nothings."…

ノルウェー77人殺害犯が国提訴 過酷な収容環境で「自殺追い込み」

ノルウェー77人殺害犯が国提訴 過酷な収容環境で「自殺追い込み」

0 0 1

日本航空が、羽田空港の滑走路で海上保安庁の航空機と衝突して炎上した機体の一部を保存する方向で検討を始めたことが10日、日航関係者への取材で分かった。大事故の記憶を風化させず、空の安全に対する社内の意識を醸成する狙い。 炎上したエアバスA350―900型は損傷が激しく保管するコストもかかるため、保存する場合でも残存物の一部になる見通し。運輸安全委員会の調査や、警視庁の捜査の進展を踏まえた上で、保存の可否を最終的に判断するとみられる。日航には「(国土交通省など)関係先とも相談し、何かは残したい」(関係者)との意向があるという。 日航は1985年に520人が亡くなったジャンボ機墜落事故の機体や乗客の遺品などを自社施設で一般公開し、対外的な安全啓発活動にも力を入れている。 日航によると、炎上したのは2021年11月に運航を開始した自社保有機。今月7日に滑走路から撤去し、現在は日航が羽田空港内の施設で管理している。 事故は2日に発生。日航機と海保機が衝突し、海保機の乗員5人が死亡、日航機の乗客乗員379人は全員脱出した。…

A Road to Multiverse

A Road to Multiverse

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A story about a loser boy who is your typical loner and a otaku as he gets a power which is feared by all villans in Multiverse. As he journeys from loner to a god. Join him in his journey.…

You Feel The Same Way? // Dr Harvey x Fem Reader

You Feel The Same Way? // Dr Harvey x Fem Reader

29 0 2

You step closer to your late grandfather's farm, taking in the cool crisp air that dances throughout the overgrown grass and trees. It looks like a mess, yet it isn't a surprise, it's been years since the land has been touched, letting nature take its journey of reclaiming it.Love has never been your thing, yet the moment you laid eyes on Dr Harvey, you've realised something has changed. But why would a shy and calm local doctor fall in love with the new farm girl.…