Read Stories Fall (Justin Bieber Short-Story) - TeenFic.Net




Fall (Justin Bieber Short-Story)

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Mia has always loved Justin Bieber and been a huge Belieber. She and Justin have been friends since they met at his concert, and Justin got her number. She became famous, they got closer, and now they're best friends. But will an old crush come between their friendship? When sparks fly, Mia realizes she has to choose between friendship or taking a chance at true love.

A/N: This was the first Fanfictions I ever wrote. It was when I was thirteen. It's VERY SHORT and not good since I was inexperienced when I started it. No hate please; this is one of my early writings; my current newer ones, still in progress. are much more mature, longer, and better. But anyway, though the story is lame, I hope you guys enjoy it:)
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