Chapter 3

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Mia's POV

Justin leaned in. He was about to kiss me.

What? I can't let this happen! It'll ruin our friendship!

I dug my face into his chest, immediately feeling his amazing abs.

"So," Justin started, "you walked in on him cheating? On your anniversary? That's so messed up."

I lifted my face out of his chest. I sniffled. "Yeah, I know."

Justin scoffed. "I can't believe that bastard."

"Jay, calm down," I whispered.

"Remember when that freak hit you? How pissed I was and how badly I wanted to beat his ass?"

"Y-yeah," I stuttered.

"Well times that by--"

Oh my gosh. I can't tell him that Troy did it again. Justin will take it way too far. He'll freak out. He'll kill Troy!

"MiMi, why do I feel like there's something you aren't telling me?"

I looked up at him. I was frozen. I couldn't speak.

"Mia, what did that son of a bitch do?"

I was still silent.

"Wait a minute," Justin whispered.

I hid my face, but Justin lifted it back up. He looked more closely at my face.

"I thought your eyes were just puffy from crying but that..." His voice trailed off. He reached up and touched my left eye. I winced in pain.

Justin gritted his teeth. "He hit you--Again!!"

"Justin--" I started, but he cut me off.

"Where else?" Justin asked knowingly. I just sighed. He pulled me closer for a better look. A yelp escaped from my mouth. Justin lifted up my shirt and examined my back and hip. I knew it was dark and bruised. I had checked out the damage before Justin arrived. He wasn't supposed to know what happened. No one was. Justin lightly touched the bruises, and I winced again. Justin looked at me with shock in his eyes.


I was crying.

"Son of a... Wow, now I really want to kill that guy--"


"When did this happen?!" he demanded.

I was breathing heavily. Justin soothed me. He was good at that. He made me feel safe and calm.

"I uhm.. So I caught him cheating. I went over to him, had a screaming match with him--and the next thing I knew, his fist is in my face."

Anger and sadness glistened in Justin's eyes. "W-What about your hip?"

I sighed. "I wasn't finished--I put my hand against my eye, he called me names, then he pushed me against the wall and punched my gut... then he threw me to the ground, and kicked my gut some more...stepped on my throat s-some--"

"Oh my gosh!" Justin yelled. "So that's why you've been coughing! It doesn't sound too good, MiMi."

I coughed. "I know. Anyways, so I'm on the ground and he kicks my side until the manager comes and throws him out--"

Justin interrupted, "They let it go on for that long?!" His eyes were wide. He was even angrier. I was like a little sister to him.

"Yeah, I know right? I was screaming and he was punching... You'd think someone would have cared enough to notice," I muttered.

"And the girl?"

I shook my head. "That little slut ran off faster than you can--"

Justin pulled me closer, holding my head in his hands. "Shhhhh; calm down," he whispered. He gently wrapped his arms around me, cuddled me.

Tears filled my eyes. I didn't know what I would do without him. I needed him.

"Please stay with me," I whispered.

I pulled back and looked at Justin. Our eyes locked. He held my face in his soft hands. His thumb gently caressed my cheek.

"Always," he promised with a smile.

He kissed my cheek softly, and we just snuggled close together. I soon fell asleep in his arms.


Sorry it's so short! Like I said, this is a really short story and it isn't my best work because I wrote it over a year ago. But I still hope you guys like it! :)


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