Read Stories Fairy Tail: Crimson Mother - TeenFic.Net




Fairy Tail: Crimson Mother

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Erza and Kagura both survive the attack on Rosemary village by hiding together. After the attack by a Cult worshiping the black wizard Zeref. Irene returns to Rosemary village to see the once vibrant village reduced to nothing but burning buildings and dead bodies, after running around she eventually finds her daughter Erza and her daughters best friend Kagura.

After leaving the village and wondering around for a couple of months they run into a boy and a girl with light blue hair and the children quickly become friends with Erza and Kagura, Irene takes care of the two new children after learning they have suffered the same way herself, Erza and Kagura had.

They eventually run into a small old man who says he can take them to a place called Fairy Tail where they will be safe.

I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters since belongs to Hiro Mashima.
I also do not own any of the art that I will be using in this story.
The only thing I own in this stroy is the self insert character.
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