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Everything has changed

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"Well why do you care if I walk away"

"Because I wanna know what's wrong" I said softly.

"Oh you wanna know what's wrong, it's almost as if you care about me" he smirked moving forward so his head was above me, looking down on my face.

" where acting off" I said stuttering as he grabbed my chin softly and lifted it up so my eyes and his where locked.

" why do you care if I'm acting off" he said softly his hot breathe fanning my face sending my stomach swirling.

"" I whispered softly . I was lost for words as he lowered his face and moved mine with his chin so our mouths where only inches apart.


I closed my eyes as I felt his hot breathe fan my face one last time before I felt his hand be removed from my face as he moved away and opened the door and walking out of it.

What the hell just happened?
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