Read Stories Eventide Marauder (Moriarty the Patriot Fanfic) - TeenFic.Net




Eventide Marauder (Moriarty the Patriot Fanfic)

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A modern century man died and found himself reincarnated back in time of the 19th century France.

To be reincarnated and given a second chance was a happy occasion. But, to be back in time with the looming issues in the background and horizon? It was the worse.

Yet, maybe his life in the past would be better if he start collecting the autographs of great people.


(Moriarty the Patriot Fanfic)

Warnings: Slow pace, Very Pre-Canon, The Canon Characters wouldn't show up soon and they would take a very long time to show up. I don't know if I would even put a pairings in this story.
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