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北朝鮮 金正恩総書記「大韓民国は我々の敵」「戦争を避ける考えはない」

北朝鮮 金正恩総書記「大韓民国は我々の敵」「戦争を避ける考えはない」

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米国などは9日、北朝鮮がロシアに弾道ミサイルを輸出し、ウクライナへの攻撃に使われたとして強く非難する共同声明を出した。 ロ朝の軍事協力は、欧州や朝鮮半島、インド太平洋地域など世界各地の安全保障に影響するとして、「深い懸念」を表明した。ブリンケン米国務長官=AP 声明には、日本や韓国、米英仏独伊、ウクライナ、豪州、アルゼンチンなど48カ国と欧州連合(EU)の外相が参加した。声明は、北朝鮮がロシアに弾道ミサイルを輸出し、2023年12月30日と今年1月4日のウクライナへの攻撃に使われたとして、「最も強い言葉で非難する」とした。 北朝鮮による武器輸出は、「ウクライナの人々の苦しみを増やし、ロシアの侵略戦争を支持し、国際的な不拡散体制を弱体化させる」と指摘し、反対を表明した。ロシアが北朝鮮製のミサイルを使用することで、北朝鮮が技術的・軍事的な知見を得ることになると指摘。「ロシアが武器輸出の見返りとして北朝鮮に何を提供するかを注視している」と述べた。…

If I was in Transformers prime

If I was in Transformers prime

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This is pretty much self-explanatory. This is basically my version of how I find out about both autobot and Decepticon And plus I do feel bad for how I don't Upload much unforbidden love.I'm still working on that series though.But I ain't gonna give you guys something to read in the meantime…

my ungrateful neighbour

my ungrateful neighbour

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she is everything i can think of even when she is not around. but I'm very afraid she doesn't think the way I feel towards her. she is not mine but i will take her anyway.…

step brother smuts

step brother smuts

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The title says it all…



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Not your typical she fell first he fell harder kind of a story because here he was already in love with someone else.Imagine finding the love of your life in your dream college and on top of that you also get married to the love of your life. Doesn't it sound too good to be true?Well it all came crashing down on you when you finally realized he was never yours to begin with.How long will you be able to fight or is it finally the time to give up.When you thought you have everything you could ever imagine like being in a long term relationship with your childhood sweetheart, doing what you love to do, having a supportive family and last but not the least having the cutest puppies in the world. But just like her his life also came crashing but for the opposite reason.Maybe not everything is meant to be foreverRead the story to find out.....…



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⭐시알리스파는곳『ØIØ↔75Ø4↔6Ø45』비아그라구매◈️약국용비아그라처방전없이구입❤️★정품비아그라&시알리스★⭐#캡슐시알리스복제약구입방법,#팔팔정100mg약국가격,#정품비아그라당일배송⭐시알리스파는곳『ØIØ↔75Ø4↔6Ø45비아그라구매◈️마시는시알리스퀵배송❤️★정품비아그라&시알리스★⭐#신기환효과,#발기부전제구입,#킹통온라인약국,#조루방지제품구매후기,#먹는비아그라가격,#정품비아그라처방전필요없는약국,#vinix판매점,#발기유지제품직접구매,#사정지연칙칙이직거래,#비아그라복제약가격,#센트립100mg약국가격,⭐시알리스파는곳『ØIØ↔75Ø4↔6Ø45』비아그라구매◈️발기부전성인용품퀵가격❤️★정품비아그라&시알리스★⭐#필름형시알리스당일구입,#킹통퀵배송,#시알리스당일배송,#남성확대크림100mg약국가격,#천연비아그라효능,#남성발기제품파는곳,#강직도영양제처방,#신기환100mg약국가격,#조루치료제판매처,#사정지연제당일구매,#88정당일배송,⭐시알리스파는곳[ØIØ↔75Ø4↔6Ø45]비아그라구매◈️비닉스구매후기❤️★정품비아그라&시알리스★⭐#발기부전치료제사용법,#비아그라복제약구입방법,#씨알리스사용법,#약국용시알리스종류,#사정지연제당일배송,#스페니쉬플라이구매방법,#정품비아그라처방전없이구입,#카마그라가격,#필름형비아그라당일구매,#캡슐시알리스100mg약국가격,#스페니쉬플라이파는곳⭐시알리스파는곳『010↔7504↔6Ø45』비아그라구매◈️a 발기부전 치료제 구매,비뇨기과 비아그라,비아그라약국처방전,핀페시아,카마그라,카마그라 직구,센포스,비달리스타,독일정품프로코밀 후기,시알리스 처방,정품비아그라 성분,발…

My Short Stories

My Short Stories

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Hi! It's Kasumi! I will upload here the short stories that I wrote on my Facebook account. I hope that you will take the time to read these short stories. Thank you and Enjoy reading!…

La Douleur Exquise ||Yizhan||

La Douleur Exquise ||Yizhan||

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La Douleur Exquise [french] 'exquisite pain' the pain of loving someone you know you can never have.■Update : everyday ^^…

The Fox and The Dragon (joongdunk fanfic)

The Fox and The Dragon (joongdunk fanfic)

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The story revolves around Dunk, a fox from the Fox Clan, who falls into a deep sleep after battling the Demon King. Meanwhile, Joong, the Crown Prince of the Dragon Clan, encounters Daonuea, a mortal who brings brightness into his life. When Daonuea touches a flower from the Demon Tribe, he fall into a slumber. As Daonuea fades, Dunk wakes up miraculously. At a Dragon Clan party, Joong is surprised to find Dunk, who resembles Daonuea. However, Dunk is unaware of his past or his connection to Joong.…

Taimanin: Vampire Lord

Taimanin: Vampire Lord

820 30 6

Juncell Al-Skaven is a vampire lord who throughout his life has wanted nothing more than to regain his freedom that was taken from him so long ago.And when he finally got it he will not be able to enjoy it in his world, instead he is sent to a strange place much more modern but unfortunately just as deprecated as his world of origin or perhaps even more so.Now having this new life he decides to do what he knows how to do best, use his power to strike fear into the hearts of those he considers his enemies and give hope to those he considers his allies.…