Read Stories Crossed [COMPLETED] - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction




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Just like most students, Alexandra is just a 19 year old teen who had always dreamed of pursuing a life after high school. She had always been wondering and dreaming of the day she would step foot in college and live a glorious college life with her boyfriend, Owen.

However, that dream of hers is soon crushed and ruined the day her dad walked out of her life, leaving Alexandra, her mum and 4 other younger siblings behind to fend for themselves.

Struggling between odd jobs, she found hope when she managed to snag a job as a bodyguard, a job that offers a pay way higher than she ever imagined.

But little did she know that she will be crossing paths with a certain dark hair boy that might just change her life.

WARNING: There will be cliché moments but sorry I'm a sucker for cliché :P There will also be the use MILD colourful languages but anyway, happy reading! :)

Highest ranking teen fiction: #216
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