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Criminal Love

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Alexander Wilson is a nerdy college student. What happens when he bumps into Ryker Thatcher, the dangerous, cold and menacing guy who everyone is scared of? Ryker Thatcher also happens to be a drug dealer with a heartbreaking past.

//"I'd watch that pretty mouth, if I was you." he spoke in a low voice. I could feel his breathing on my face. When I finally registered what he had said, dread siezed me. All the color drained from my face. Had I actually said that out loud? Wait, pretty?//

//"Alexander, do not meddle in things you don't know about, or you'll get burnt." He spoke, his lips a hair's breadth away from mine.//

What will Alexander do when he finds himself involved in Ryker's mess?


*Warning* Story might or might not be disgustingly clichΓ©.

Best Rankings so far:
#1 gayromance
#5 mxm
#25 boyxboy
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