Read Stories Chakram Reborn: Homecoming - TeenFic.Net




Chakram Reborn: Homecoming

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Sydney has returned from her treatment center in The Netherlands with a new outlook on life! You can tell there's a mix of Sydney and Ephiny in her as she reunited with her family and The Amazons. Lauren is especially happy to see her as her feelings for Sydney are still strong. But lurking in the background is Ares, ready to haunt Sydney's dreams, coaxing her to once again become his queen. Can Xena, Gabrielle, Lauren and Artemis stop Ares before he gets fully inside her head!?!

Also James has moved to Sedona and Kira and Maria's friendship is put on the line as they both battle for his attention. Beth also comes for a visit to help her dad sort out things out between Kira and Maria, but Kira reveals something to Beth that shocks her into silence, while James comes clean about something to Kira. Little does James know, he is being watched by Maria. Plus, James has Zara's ashes and wants to give her the memorial she deserves.
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