Islamic Thoughts

Islamic Thoughts

6,613 741 11

Rabbi shrahli sadri. wayassirli amri. wahlul uqdatam millisani. yafqahu qawli. [surah Taha].Just thought to pen down my Islamic thoughts so it can be thought upon by you people. It's some Islamic thoughts which cross my mind casually.…

My slam book

My slam book

2,714 280 1

It contains 25 facts about me.Warning: don't read it or else you'll fall in love with me. haha, just kidding. Rather you'll hate me for wasting your time. If you want to really know me then do read it ;)…

Stories of Islam

Stories of Islam

1,769 139 6

Rabb-ishrah li sadri, wa yassir li 'amri, Wah-lul 'uqdatam-min-li-saani, Yaf-qahuu qawlii. [Taha: 25-28].Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. We often log into Wattpad just to read Fictional stories by an avid writer but what about those whose stories have been written by the greatest of writer, Ar Rahman. Indeed all praises are for him alone who wrote the qadr of innumerable people of the A'lameen. This book contains real stories of the past according to the hadiths which will make your hair stand and eyes blur.…



1,905 228 5

Zindagi is all about my life moments which made me awestruck, inspired me or the moments which had an impact on my mind such that I would not forget those moments. But somewhere in life if my memory weakens and those memories turn to the memories long forgotten ones then I'd simply log in to Wattpad to nourish my juicy memories in sha Allah.…

A muslim's diary ❤️

A muslim's diary ❤️

123,699 15,863 98

Rabbi shrah lee sadri.wayassir Lee amri.wahlul uqdatam mil lisanee.yafqahoo qawlee..assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu..This book contains Islamic as well as non Islamic stuffs..I bet u won't regret reading it..have fun..;)…

Door to Jannah

Door to Jannah

490,070 41,474 49

Rabbi shrahli sadri. wayassirli amri. wahlul uqdatam millisani. yafqahu qawli. [surah Taha]It is said by our prophet (PBUH) that "if a women prays her*five (daily prayers)*fasts her month (Ramadan)*guards her chastity and*obeys her husband,it will be said to her enter paradise by whichever of the gates of paradise you wish"'Do you have a boyfriend?', 'Did your fiance confessed his love towards you?', 'Did he propose you? Aww that is so cute', really? How often do we ask those questions and how easy it is for us to answer them as a 'yes'. But do we even realise that it is not lawful in the eyes of our Creator? Do we even realise that we are violating the rules of being a Muslim because Muslim literally means 'the one who submits to the will of God'. The story stresses on the particular topics which the present youth is going through. A girls journey from haram to halal who was trapped in haram things and a lesson for those who attach their hearts before marrying.…

Road To Jannah

Road To Jannah

96,498 10,446 46

Rabbi shrahli sadri. wayassirli amri. wahlul uqdatam millisani. yafqahu qawli. [surah Taha]. Sometimes love can prove poisonous when you nurture the seeds of your desires rather than nurturing the seeds of your emaan. Sometimes you learn after falling and that's when reality hits you. Sometimes to overcome your desires, you need to go through it, to know why Allah forbade you to go after your desires.Sometimes infatuation is not enough for a marriage to function smoothly but rather it is the understanding between the two.Sometimes Allah makes you fall before He makes you fly just like a striving bird who flutters through the wind and when it is about to fall, it strives even harder and it takes all the strength in the bird to flourish through the heaven while glorifying Allah.Sometimes love elevates your emaan but at times it can be more dangerous than slow poison which can slowly pierce through your strong walls of emaan, steadily making them fragile enough to crumble, which took several years to build. When we have to choose between the two roads, the road which leads to jannah isn't easy. While walking, you will realize that the path is full of obstacles which would stop you midway, which would make you fall hard but, isn't the true believer the one who after falling, picks up every shattered pieces of his heart for the Lord of the A'lameen as the heart belongs only and only to him. P. S. This book is the sequel of door to jannah. So if you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for?…