Catarina and The Prince | Tales From The Court Of Ravaeryn #1

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It is the season for love and murder in the court of Ravaeryn.

After a chance encounter one winter night, Lady Catarina de Fontaine had fallen hopelessly in love with Julian, the Crown Prince. However, upon discovering his untruthfulness, she immediately guarded her heart against him and rejected his advances for years.

While it might seem like their romance would end right there, never blooming into fruition, fate had a different plan for them.

Upon turning seventeen, Catarina was summoned to the palace to partake in The Choosing Ceremony, in which seven young ladies from the noble houses of Ravaeryn are selected, and the Prince would marry the one that he chooses.

As the race for power and wealth runs its course, friend turns to foe, and blood is shed. Will they rekindle their romance, or will they part ways forever?

๐Ÿฅ‡- 1st Place in The Leal Awards in Young Adult, The Seasonal Awards Fall in General Fiction
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