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Brighter Than the Sun

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Lex is starting to feel like herself again after the events on Bouvetoya Island... with a little help from a tall, dreadlocked knight in shining armor at her side!
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Demon slayer oneshots/headcannons

Demon slayer oneshots/headcannons

12,204 55 39


La Chaleur du Pouvoir
TRANSIENCE; Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer OC

TRANSIENCE; Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer OC

4 0 1

Transience - the state or fact of lasting only for a short time; transitoriness.In a world where demons roam around Japan at night, killing and eating humans, the last descendant of a shattered clan may be a new hope for the Demon Slayer Corps. Or, she could be the very thing that destroys it.After all, she is a blessing and a curse.…



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1 0 1

Paula Flintstone suspected something was a little off when her creepy grandfather tried to smoke her when she was just six years old. Nevertheless, she lived a relatively normal life among other humans.It wasn't until she bumped into the malicious incredible angel, Mark Ball, that her life finally began to make sense.However, Mark proved to be vast and seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with kissing a girl's neck . Paula soon learnt that Mark is a blood vampire .When Paula's is injured in a hit and run accident, Paula realizes she herself as turned into a blood vampire and she is a threat to human beings .But one night a fallen angel came before her and warned her that her life is too in risk and give her a solid pistol, the only weapon which can kill the incredible angle ,the phantom also told she can free herself from the vampire evil soul and turned into a normal human being again If she could able to kill him.Will Paula find it in herself to kill the only creature who has ever made her feel truly devilishly hot and inevitable ...[ Hint- Yes ]…

Pas tingujve të skenës

Pas tingujve të skenës

208 24 2

Në jetën e Kristoferit gjithçka do të ndryshojë natën kur ai vendos të strehojë një grua të dehur në apartamentin e tij. Vivien Goldin, një kërcimtare me famë e skenave botërore, nuk kujton asgjë se si përfundoi atje. Një gjë është e sigurt; për asnjë nga ata ky nuk është takimi i fundit, përkundrazi, është fillimi i kthesës së madhe që do të marrin jetët e tyre pas tingujve të skenës.…

The Cherry Manor:Shadows Unveiled

The Cherry Manor:Shadows Unveiled

0 0 1

On a misty dawn in April 2024, the wind howled through the trees surrounding Cherry Manor, creating an eerie symphony that seemed to welcome the new inhabitants. Lydia Aldertree stood at the manor's threshold, the weight of her family's history pressing heavily on her shoulders. She had grown up with stories about the manor and its ghosts, but the reality was far more daunting…

The Vampire Diaries Season 3

The Vampire Diaries Season 3

0 0 1

Chelsea and Stefan have left town with Klaus while their friends, family, and lovers are doing whatever they can to get them back....and what will become of the town when a new threat comes to mystic fallsI do not own vampire diaries just my own characters and storyline…

One Night Stand with a Billionaire

One Night Stand with a Billionaire

0 0 1

The story follows on with the main character Jasmine, who reluctantly agrees to cover a shift at work despite wanting time off to spend with her boyfriend, Aaron. She sacrifices her plans for the sake of earning tips to support her education. When she returns home early, she discovers Aaron cheating on her with another woman in their apartment. Overwhelmed with betrayal, she confronts them and demands the woman leave immediately.…



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