Bark or Bite (A Yogscast Fanfiction)

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Anya Atkinson was like any other person, well any completely unsociable and lone person. 23 years old and a full time photographer she struggles to pay the rent and keep up with the bills but how could she give up the one thing that gives her joy, her camera, her glee in capturing that one split second moment.

However when Anya goes wandering in the woods near her hometown of Bristol, nothing can prepare her for the scenes she witnesses. Wolves! Wolves in the woods around the city. Wolves of various size and colour, their teeth bared and deadly as they fight each other, a fight between top predators!!
And Anya is caught in the middle of it!

And what if those wolves had a secret that was only known by the select few in the offices of Yogtowers!

(Fantasy Yogscast FanFiction)
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