Read Stories Array of Roses - TeenFic.Net




Array of Roses

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Not lapidot*
*so many people have put it in a lapidot reading list, and No. Just No. I may have 8-12 lapidot fanfictions, does not mean every blonde-blunett couple is lapidot*

A semi- divine girl, whom is part 'God', asks for offerings in exchange for a favor or assistance.
One particular girl comes and asked for her help...
finding the person who murdered her mother 7 years ago.
With the odds stacked against the odd pair of detectives, they struggle with finding new clues and new suspects without alibis.
Yet, that isn't the only problem.
The semi - divine girl, has some wolf like qualities given to her by her god, are considered demonic to many, so not only are they chasing a murderer, they are being chased by bible crazed psychopaths ,who want the wolf-like demi-god dead.
Will both girls make it out alive?
Will the non-divine girl get her wish and learn the identity of her mother's killer?
Will everything work out?

this is a girlXgirl.... and is the first book of hopefully many.

Based on okami, spice and wolf, and my own creativity.
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